Take yesterday morning for example (which has happened a handful of times over the years). I'm on the road at approx 4:30am and a friendly police officer slows down, leans over to the passenger window, and watches as I run by. I thought for a minute he was gonna fire up the cherries and "pull me over". Then he circles around, drives up a street and sits and waits for me go run by again. THEN, he does the same thing another block down???
Don't get me wrong, I love cops, but was there an A.P.B on jogger-robbers in the neighborhood last night? Have we recently been hit by Garmin-wearin' bandits that I'm unaware of? Is it common in KC for burglars to dress in running shorts and technical tees on a 45 degree morning ... and haul their loot down the middle of the street as they make their fleet-footed get-away?

If I was a hot young cutie or something, I kinda get it ... but seriously "NOTHING TO SEE HERE ... MOVE ALONG". But in fairness to the officer I was running in a ski-mask, a bag with a giant "$" sign, a rappelling rope, and the combination to several safes ... so I understand, I guess?
... be great today!
lol, your posts are awesome! I wish the officer would have pulled you over for speeding while running! haha
ReplyDeleteThough while I've never been yelled at or taunted by any passing motorists - I have ran with some attractive girls before, and a couple times people have yelled really horrible stuff out the window at her as they drove by. I wished the car that yelled had been forced to stop at a stoplight so we could give them a piece of our mind. No idea what makes it okay in peoples minds to taunt girls when they run. It happened a couple times when running with my friend, and the incidents really bothered me.
Nelly - that's happens when I run with my daughter ... THAT's the worst!
ReplyDeleteThats weird and comical
ReplyDeleteThat sign is too funny. When my daughter was about three, whenever we would pass by a police car we would hear her whisper in a real deep thug voice under her breath "can't catch me coppas". It was way funny!
ReplyDeleteI guess it's a sign that your town is pretty safe - not much else going on at 4:30 in the morning so they have to stalk you for some action!
ReplyDeleteYou Americans dress kinda weird to go running. We Aussies generally wear a singlet, shorts, shoes, socks and appropriately supportive undergarments.
ReplyDeleteha ha you are hilarious! Thank you for the entertainment.
ReplyDeleteI always get all sorts of stares when running outside. Gotta love it!!
Have you ever run under one of those "Your speed is..." signs and had it actually pick up on you? This happened to me on my run two weekends ago. I was proud because it flicked between 07 and 08 MPH. Maybe the cop was bored and fixing his radar gun on you to see how fast you were going....
ReplyDeleteHuh...maybe he is checking out your form.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, kinda creepy. Imagine your feelings if you were a female and someone (even a cop) was doing that...
Okay, that is really unusual!
ReplyDeleteOmg! You just made me laugh out loud...thanks for that! I'm thinking of moving to KC....your town rocks! Me, I just get chased by dogs & pondered with perplexed stares as though folks were trying to figure out just what on earth I'm doing! After all, I do own a perfectly good car ;)
ReplyDeleteHa! That sign is hilarious! As far as the cops, at 4:30am, he's probably just bored and has nothing better to do.
ReplyDeleteLove this post and the picture. When I run early I have to run by the town constable who just parks and sits. He has never moved to follow me though. There's just something radiating out from you I guess.
ReplyDeleteNo clue here...that seems strange to me.
ReplyDeleteCop or not that would totally creep me out.
ReplyDeleteHa, dirty fighting bears.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the cop thought it was hallucinating? To non-runners, seeing someone out doing it at 4:30 AM might seem pretty unfathomable.
"He", not "it" lol.
ReplyDeletebahahah garmin-wearin bandits, I love it. I totally got a mental image of you wearing a ski mask with money bags too. Maybe the cop wanted some running pointers??
ReplyDeletedude, 4:30am?! that IS a serious offense!!
ReplyDeleteI actually get that very often. Don’t know if police in SA just patrol the streets more between 4 and 6 AM or I look really suspicious. I’ve even had them drive behind me for a few kilometers a couple of times. I am great today!
ReplyDeleteMaybe he was bored and made a game out of clocking you with his radar gun.
ReplyDeleteI was going to say the same thing as Coy. Either that or he was bored so he decided to make sure you stayed safe on your run.
ReplyDeleteI know my friend Abby has had police follow her before. She lives in a pretty shady area, so she assumes they are watching out for her. You must look like a sissy girl or something. (JUST KIDDING!)
ReplyDeleteKind of Creepy!
ReplyDeleteMaybe next time you could drop some donuts off...
Maybe that cop thought you were not at all below average looking...
ReplyDeleteI have the bear image in my head now and it's cracking me up.
PS. I've seen your photos and your are NOT below average at all, young man!
LOL! I love this post. You and I have the same life experiences!
ReplyDeleteThat's funny stuff. In America EVERYONE is a SUSPECT before being proven innocent, right? Here in Japan we are all innocent until proven suspicious. As a foreigner with blond hair I attract attention of the authorities when running down the road in my neighborhood, but if they'd stop and stare at me, I'd have a word with them... Next time ask them why, it would make an interesting blog entry!
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