
Saturday, October 5, 2013

I'm Tapering Under Protest

Okay, so I understand that literally EVERY marathon training plan out there pretty much calls for two weeks of tapering.   And yes, I understand the supposed physiological advantages.  But y'all of course are familiar with the real tapering ... that time when you're basically at your most fit and ready point of the training cycle, two weeks before the race, feeling like you could run through a brick wall, and you're like "BRING ON THE FRIGGIN' RACE" ... and then someone says, "Um yeah, go ahead and essentially do what amounts to nothing for two weeks and then run the race".  So stupid.

I hate tapering and I'm not a big believer in it.  While the shorter workouts might keep your speed and a little VO2max near peak levels, there is NO WAY you can maintain your ability to run longer distances by cutting every workout short for two weeks.  NO WAY!!!!  NONE!!!   But I'm trying to "follow the rules" this cycle, including reducing my mileage, not running as many days a week, stretching more than ever, and of course ... stupid tapering.  But I'm doing it under protest.  So be advised that if I bomb at this marathon I'm gonna blame the two weeks of friggin'  BLAH nothingness tapering before the race.  You've been warned.  I'm on edge.  Seacrest out!
... be great today!


  1. Ran my best marathon ever on an extended taper...just sayin'. Chill bro, read a book or something. You've got this!

  2. Ha! I was the total opposite. I welcomed the less runs and low mileage.

    Stay strong brother!! You will kill it come marathon day!

  3. I'm actually enjoying this taper for the first time ever. I was pretty tired by the end of the training program and am enjoying the feeling of getting fresher and stronger every day. Hang in there it'll all be over really soon.

    Could I ask if you're getting my post updates? I noticed on your page that they haven't updated in your blog roll for over a week and I've written three since then. Just curious to see if the updates are coming through even if they're not updating in the roll.

  4. Char, there appears to be a problem with the banner stuff on the right side of my blog, I can't update any of it, and as you notice, some blogs aren't updating on the screen either, I've contacted blogger about it, but haven't had a reply.

  5. I'm not a fan of tapering as well but I run much slower than you so I don't need it as much. I prefer to continue normal training until 4 days before a race.

  6. I had an unintentional 3 week taper after falling and breaking my hand prior to my first 1/2 marathon. UGH! I had run 13.1 training runs faster than I ran that race! So, no! I am not a fan of the taper :)

  7. Time for stock in bubble wrap and hand sanitizer.

  8. Sorry, missed this due to urgent baby visit. Enjoy the taper. I hated them too back when I my whole life is one big taper!
    I do think a taper that's too long hurts your distance. You get out of the fat-burning habit quickly. But two weeks sounds just about right.

  9. Good luck! Due to poor planning on my part no taper for me, doubtful it will have any substantive impact...

  10. Take a freaking chill pill dude! Go to a movie, watch tv, rest, take care of your body. :)I never do a big taper, cut back to 70% of peak mileage 2 weeks out and then 50% the week of the race. It's worked for me but everyone is different. Listen to your body.


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