
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Why I Will NEVER Run In Costume ... Again!!!

Here's a little something for all you Halloweenie 5K'ers out there.  If a picture's worth a thousand words, these are a few that describe this race photo disaster:  embarrassing ... humiliating ... worst idea ever ... not funny ... uncool ... why ... less of a man ... peer pressure ... not in control of my home ... ridiculous ... trying to be a team player ... didn't even win first place in the dress-up contest ... I'm a grump old man ... never again!

Yes, that's Michael and me at the 2009 Elmwood Graveyard 5K in Kansas City.  MICHAEL thought it would be a great idea to dress up like Bert & Ernie.  MICHAEL had a great time with this.  MICHAEL was apparently not aware of how much this would scar me.

But actually this got really funny, and kind of offensive, when Michael and I started kissing passionately with the masks on.  It looked like Bert & Ernie were making out!  Hahahaha!  It put off a few people who were there with little kids, and for that I really am sorry.  But c'mon ... like Bert & Ernie smooching would be such a stretch.  #obvious.

I swore on that day I would never dress up for a run again ... and I haven't.  But the counseling continues.
... be great today!


  1. Oh this is AWESOME! If you were in Asheville or Portland and Bert and Ernie started kissing, you'd get crowd cheers and applause. ha!

  2. Are you SURE you don't want to do this again???? Maybe you could be a couple of'd make a stellar Tinky Winky ;)

  3. You are such a liar. You know this was the BEST day ever. We had an awesome time and made the best Bert and Ernie of all time.

  4. Oh my goodness.. I don't think that was what Sesame Street had in mind! They have their own beds, you know...

    What a funny costume idea. hahaha!
    I'm predicting another costume race :D

  5. But, but.... wait.

    Ok, maybe not. Keep at it though.

  6. You had a mask could've been worse. One of my teammates lost a bet and had to do a rappel in a gold speedo. Pictures all over the Internet. I've rarely laughed so hard in my life.

  7. Bahahaha. I can see the sadness and humiliation in Bert's eyes.

  8. lol! As for Missouri, even with your backup QB you guys were playing awesome. If your starter was healthy, I think you could have beat South Carolina. I think you guys were playing like a top 5 team, just bad luck for your starter to go down.

    Stanford's game of the year is next Thurs vs Oregon, they are playing really well this year, I'm just annoyed that they lost to Utah out of nowhere. If they had beaten Utah I think they would be #1 in the BCS standings since their schedule is so tough. Oregon will be tough to beat, I'd say even tougher than last year - those guys look insane right now. Though I thought Stanford would lose to Oregon by 20 last year, and they won - so you never know.

  9. Where's the smooching picture??/

  10. The longer I read your blog, the more I like your wife!

  11. Haha! I did the costume thing once for a New year's race. At least we did win a prize :)

  12. This is hilarious. Yall are awesome. But even I would say no to running in that material. yikes! No wonder you're scarred!


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