
Friday, January 3, 2014

I'm Quoted In Runner'sWorld ... #AWESOME!!!

Last month, Runner'sWorld writer Alison Wade contacted me about possibly being quoted for an article she was writing on race security.  Naturally I obliged, and she sent me a list of questions to which I responded.  Today, the article was published in the Runner'sWorld online version in the Newswire section  It's sooo cool!!! The article actually quotes me by name ... like I'm a big deal or something.  Well, err ... I mean of course I'm a big deal.  If the article does ever make it to print, feel free to mail me your copy and I'll be happy to autograph it with a personal greeting or something!   For $14.95 I'll even include a photo.   Kidding.  But seriously feel free to send me fifteen bucks.  Here's the link to the article ...

All jokes aside, the article is unfortunately a very serious commentary about where we are regarding security measures in today's society.  But it was very cool to be quoted in a magazine that I read!  Have a great weekend ... that was a really cool way to start mine!
... be great today!


  1. Jim, I started following your blog about a month ago. I find it very interesting. Good job on getting Runners World.

  2. Thanks for following Kendall, it was really cool to read it!

  3. Um, ROCKSTAR. Did they send you a shirt?

  4. This means you won't be lowering yourself to comment on the blogs of us mere mortals any more, doesn't it? At least I can say I know a celebrity now.

  5. Well how cool is that? You are a SUPERSTAH now! :) On the topic of security, I have only noticed changes at one of the larger races I have done and basically they did away with bag check (I assumed because the bags were stored very close to the finish line area) and they no longer allow people to run with the camelbak water paks (or any backpack).

  6. Wow. A star in the family. I have a famous son-in-law.


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