
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New NordicTrack So Far ... Really, Really, Horrible

Over the holidays, Michael and I replaced our old Craigslist treadmill with a new NordicTrack 2450.  We did our due diligence and researched some of the best models on the market and got a really good deal on a NordicTrack 2450, from NordicTrack's website.  While I typically make a concerted effort to be positive on my blog, especially about specific products ... I can tell you that the total NordicTrack experience so far has been a total disappointment.  In fact, we are still considering returning the treadmill.

It started with the delivery.  We are definitely not wealthy, and have a very middle class home in the Midwest, but I am VERY particular about who enters it.  I absolutely don't like people I don't know in my home.  And, if you're having something delivered, you assume that it will be from a reputable company and you shouldn't have to worry about sketchy individuals. NordicTrack contracts out almost everything they do, so we weren't surprised when a non-uniformed gentleman with his co-worker showed up ... but they were 3 hours late.  However, we were surprised when the first gentleman phoned his two buddies, one who seemed to be high, to come over and hang out at my house while the first two installed the machine.  Seriously.  Michael is home by herself with four rather rough looking characters.  No uniforms ... no labeled moving van ... just sagging pants & the smell of weed.  And FYI, if you work for a moving company ... don't make a point to comment repeatedly on "how nice" the sport memorabilia is, like you're casing the place or something.  It was to the point that Michael had to make excuses about the stuff not being worth that much, and change the subject.  I could write so much more about these gentlemen, but it would probably come off wrong ... I think you get the point.  But, neither of us have been robbed or stabbed in our sleep by a returning visitor ... yet ... so we overlooked that little event. We did, however call about the 3 hour late arrival.  Surprisingly, (sarcasm) the salesman was very responsive and helpful when we were trying to decide if we wanted to buy the machine ... but was unavailable and non-responsive when we called to talk about the delivery.   We sent two emails and left numerous voice mails, with no response.

Fast forward to the first few times we tried to use the machine.  With the exception of the speed being way off, which is probably fairly normal, it worked fine for me.  However apparently, it randomly sped way up and slowed way down while Michael used it repeatedly.  We searched the internet and this seems to be a fairly common problem.  So, we decide to call the "NordicTrack Help Line".  An obvious oxymoron.  After a 57 minute hold time each and every time we called (I've called them a total of 4 times, and the average wait time has been almost an hour), we were connected with a company called IconFitness located in Logan, UT, which reps several different fitness equipment manufactures, including NordicTrack.  Like I said, they contract out everything.

When we finally spoke to an actual person, we were instructed to find a screw driver and an allen wrench, remove the cover to the motor, start the machine ... so yes, there is an uncovered open motor running ... take a flash light and then dig around inside a running machine to help them diagnose the problem on your hands and knees in the basement over the phone ... ON A TWO WEEK OLD TREADMILL!!!  The rep finally had me turn off the machine, in fairness I think that was just an oversight.  But when I asked if I could just have someone come out and look at it because it was only two weeks old, they insisted that there would probably be a  four week wait with an in home visit and this was the most efficient process they had.  I informed them that we had paid for an extended warranty that included in home repairs, and the answer was the same.  When I asked, "Well, what is the warranty good for then?"  They actually told me that they like to have people try to fix as much as possible so they would get to know their machine better, and be happy they were able to "fix it themselves".  Huh???  I'm pretty technically sound, handy with tools, can build pretty much anything, and speak to architects and engineers for a living ... if I want to "fix it myself" I think I'm perfectly capable.  That seemed like a really ignorant answer.

After another hour on the phone with me fiddling with the machine, the very friendly, but completely script reading & totally guessing at the diagnosis phone technician concluded that it had to be a speed sensor.  She asked me, "Do you want me to order the part for you?"  ... A wait, what?  "How am I supposed to know?", I replied!"  She then told me that she had to have permission to order a replacement part.  So I told her yeah, let's get it coming.  To which she replied it would be 7-10 business days.  To which I replied, "Um, no it won't ... it's gonna go out tomorrow and be here in 2 days!"  IT'S A FRIGGING TWO WEEK OLD MACHINE!!!  After "checking with a supervisor" for about the 10th time on the call, she agree and we got the part for the faulty machine yesterday ... which I installed myself, last night.

It seemed to work okay once I got it installed, but we'll see.  We still have about 2 weeks left on our 30 day free trial, and the thing seriously might get sent back.  I'll keep you posted.  If I could snap my fingers and the thing would be gone and I would have my money back ... I would snap them ... RIGHT NOW!   But honestly, with the hassle we've had so far, I'm sure that process will be a cluster too.  Things would have to get pretty bad for me to go on a "Don't buy a NordicTrack" campaign.  I just typically don't disparage companies like that.  But unless things change, we're definitely headed down that road.  Hope your treadmill experience is better than ours.
... be great today!


  1. That's funny. I almost ordered a new foam roller from them two days ago, but I couldn't decide and went to bed with the item still in my cart. I got an email about it - "Oops, looks like you left an item in your cart! Click here for help!" and when I did (thinking it would just take me to the site), it went to a 404 page. LOL. Super professional!

  2. I'm all about keeping things positive, but I think there's a lot of value in sharing your negative experiences to possibly save other people from the same hassle. Not sure whether to hope the fix solved the problem or to hope you can get rid of the machine without too much hassle.

    And from the sports memorabilia mention, I think you and my husband would have a lot to talk about. :)

  3. yikes!
    and not to defend them at all... (Just that in real life I manage a tech support department) I bet that 50% of all treadmill tech support calls are placed during the first week of January.

    that said I think I'd start the money back guarantee route

  4. Are you on twitter or fb? I would post this on FB page and see what happens. I'm kinda of a pain about horrible customer service and it seems it started the minute you left the store with a sold treadmill to be delivered. Good luck getting it fixed!

  5. I'm glad you shared this experience. I've been eyeballing new treadmills, and this puts NordicTrack off the list.

  6. wow, I would return it ASAP. Have you talked to EMZ about her treadmill recommendations?

  7. Ugh, this is disappointing. I have a Nordic Track on the way. I have had a lackluster experience and I don't even have my treadmill yet. First they told me it would be delivered before Christmas (2 to 3 weeks from when I ordered it). Then the shipping company called and said January 6th. Well they didn't show up and had no plans to show up on January 6th. They didn't even call to reschedule. I had to call them! Then they said it would be at least another week but they would check for me to see if I could get a sooner date and call back. No calls back yet and I have called them twice. I sent emails to both NordicTrack and their shipping company and neither has responded. I want to cancel my order. I wish I had waited to cancel my gym membership because it is to cold to run in the 'polar vortex' we are experiencing.

  8. Wow. Does that sound awful. The whole delivery thing would have creeped me out big time. I like using the gym because the machine working right is someone else's problem. Good luck with it working in the future.

  9. A four week wait for a repairman sounds like they have a lot of issues with malfunctions. I wouldn't blame you if you sent it back.

  10. Send. Back. Immediately. Jim, why on earth would you even consider keeping this headache?! If you are already having this much trouble, it will only get worse. This company should not be rewarded with your business. I have a Sole Treadmill(F85), which we ordered from Dick's and I love it! We had it serviced one time and the technician was wonderful. He also spent time showing us how to use all of the different features. You deserve better.
    Susan SRMS

  11. I think the universe is trying to send you a message that treadmills are evil.

  12. I actually have a Nordictrack and have owned it 5 years with no issues but just my wife uses it. I run outside. - always. I'd probably return it. I got mine at Costco just for their great return policy and it just worked out.

  13. So my NordicTrack arrived and doesn't work out of the box. Needs a new wiring harness. 2 weeks for delivery of part and service technician. I am looking into sending it back now.

  14. I would never purchase a Nordic Track product again. I received one, didn;t work. Got a replacement, didn't work. Cheap Chinese piece of junk...


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