
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Why Can't Lettuce Taste Like A Twinkie

Have you ever noticed that most of the things that taste good seem to be bad for you.  I think dieting and eating healthy would be much better and easier if the "good for you" things tasted more like barbecue, or pizza, or donuts ... and not so much like spinach, or broccoli, or beansprouts.  I mean, I enjoy those things well enough I guess ... but quite frankly the reason I don't eat them as much as I should is because lasagna, cookies, and potato chips taste better.  It would just simply make keeping weight off so much more enjoyable.  Why does being in shape and keeping fit & trim have to taste like a garden of dirt?  But I guess you could probably say that about a lot of things in life.

If only all of the "suckie" things could be more fun, we'd all enjoy life a whole lot more.  For example, why can't going to the dentist seem more like a nice funny movie?  Or mowing the yard feel more like fooling around with your wife?  Or filing your income taxes like a long enjoyable nap?  Or maybe taking out the trash could be like finding a ten dollar bill?  I mean heck man, if Shingles felt like a nice massage, instead of burning needles, I wouldn't be so afraid of getting them again!  See ... magical!  I feel better all ready.

Actually, Michael and I had our last nutrient-free grease/fat/sugar-filled meal tonight.  Tomorrow we will begin being athletes again.  Tomorrow we will fuel our bodies, and not treat them.  Tomorrow we will conquer!!!  I gotta do something, because it's six weeks until my Spring marathon and I'm nowhere near ready.  But I think I'm just gonna imagine every spinach salad tastes like a Twinkie, or a nap, or something.  It's just mind over matter, right?
... be great today!


  1. I know exactly what you mean. I like a lot of the healthy foods but if it came down to it, I wouldn't choose any of them to be my last meal.

  2. Guess what I made today? A huge batch of chewy chocolate chip cookies the size of pancakes. I'm sending them to my Army brother for his birthday. You can't have one. But they're amazing.
    Just thought I'd let you practice refusing temptation with a virtual softball to prepare you for the real world deliciousness you'll have to turn down tomorrow.

  3. Grace ... I didn't read this until "tomorrow", so that's just mean.

  4. Completely agree. It's hard to resist food that you should and my weight right now is showing that fact.

  5. I've wondered this myself! I've even tried some of the low-calorie "diet" foods that other folks seem to love (I'm talking about you, coffee!) - and I still don't get it! A cup of hot cocoa is 100 times better!
    Today is day 6 of my "back to healthy eating" diet - and I'm a bit cranky! Why - oh Why must I love chocolate and fries so much?!


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