
Friday, February 21, 2014

Jackie Gonna Be A Football Star

Last night I was wandering around on the internet for information that I couldn't possibly live without, and you won't believe what I found.  There's actually a website called that has pretty much every yearbook ever in the history of the world.  Wow!  Even from the little town I grew up in.  Apparently, someone ... somewhere, with a lot of time on their hands, sits around and scans every page and uploads them to this site.  Man, the internet has everything!

Somewhere along the way I lost my actual Senior Yearbook from the Class of 1987, so when I found this online, I spent some time flipping though it.  I of course went right to the pages featuring ME!!!  Here's proof that I actually played football back in the day.  There were some basketball and baseball pics too, but they weren't as cool as this one. That's me running in a two point conversion.  Look at that good running form back then -  ha.  We actually won that game 8-6.  See ... told you I used to be athletic!


Here's my Senior picture.  Whoa, whoa, whoa laddies, no ... that's not a young Brad Pitt ... just a sexy young man trying to sprout whiskers!  And also my Senior football pic with my best "tough guy" look.

But I saved the best for last, I also found a Yearbook from my Freshman year, 1984.  For some reason there was a picture of me with my French Teacher that I didn't even know was in the Yearbook.  No, I'm not stoned.   I just wasn't a fan of French class.  I don't remember much of it except how to say my name, and tell you how old I am ... which should come in handy when I'm captured by French pirates. So cool!!!  Have a great weekend, I'll be feathering my bangs.
... be great today!


  1. Replies
    1. Think I'm supposed to call it "Throw Back" something

  2. Wow, I was five when you graduated.

    1. That's weird, I'm sure I'm way more immature than you

  3. It's Throwback Thursday or #TBT. Get on board with those hashtags man! :-) Glad you didn't post this on a Wednesday. Oh the outrage that would have been! So great that you came across these!

    1. The fact that I didn't know this stuff was so easily accessible on the internet should tell you how in the loop I am on hash tags - ha

  4. I totally would have dated you in high school you were such a hottie! But would you have minded that I was only in 7th grade when you were a senior? Nothing wrong with that right?

    1. This is gonna sound really arrogant sweetie ... but you would'a had to get in line

  5. But why were you asking your French teacher where the beef was??? Shouldn't it say "Où est le boeuf?"

  6. If you're captured by French pirates now, will you be telling them your real age or do you only know 17? And why will they ask you your age?


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