
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

SUCK IT Sickness ... I'm Back!!! (Sorta)

First some GREAT news this morning  ... my daughter Madison officially got hired yesterday as a full-time Fourth Grade teacher in the Lee's Summit School District for next year!!!  It's her first big-girl grown up real job.  I'm so excited for her and of course proud of her.  I know many people say this about their kids, but it's true about Madison - ha ... the young lady literally lights up the room and changes everyone for the better that she comes in contact with.  She is just an amazing person and can do whatever she wants in life.  I love her so much and am so happy she got the job she wanted after all her hard work!

It was amazing how much attention my last post received about a recent trip to the clinic and the volume of prescribed medication I left with.  Equally amazing is how my wife is always right.  She read it when I first put it online and immediately remarked, "You're gonna stir up a hornets nest with this one!"  I looked at her, probably rolled my eyes or did that dismissive "ppffsssttt" sound thing, and said, "No it won't, it's just a little story about the clinic!"  Me wrong.  Michael right.  All too often the scenario in our house.

But I've moved on, taken my medicine - literally (but not all of it) - and feel much better.  I even started slowly working out this week, but mostly indoors to avoid the Antarctica like ... ALMOST APRIL ... temps outside.  Actually it's not that bad, just somewhat below normal.  But I still don't want the cold air on my lungs for a while.  So I ran my last two runs on the treadmill.  Here was today's Tempo Workout ...

     2 mile warmup @8:20 & 7:50
     1 mile @7:05/pace
     5 miles @6:25/pace 
     1 mile cool down @8:30/pace

It definitely didn't set the world on fire, and albeit on the treadmill, it was nice to build a little speed again and sustain it for a few miles without hacking up half of my right lung.  So anyway ... down for a while ... but surely not out ... SUCK IT SICKNESS!!!  I won today!!!
... be great today!


  1. Congratulations to your daughter! I'm sure she will change many lives in a very positive way. Great that you could do some running. Not sure if I've seen you run on a treadmill before...?

    1. Thanks Johann - yeah, I try to avoid the treadmill

  2. That's awesome that your daughter got a teaching job. Glad your feeling better

  3. The wife is always right…. ; )

    Glad you are feeling better. And congrats to your daughter--big stuff for both her and you!

  4. Glad you are feeling better! CONGRATULATIONS to Madison!!

  5. Congratulations to Madison. Very cool!

    Yes, the wife is always right. Such is the universe.

  6. Glad you're finally feeling better! And that it looks like MAYBE spring is going to stick around soon.

    Your daughter sounds wonderful. I bet she'll be an amazing teacher!

    1. Hopefully it's here to stay kate - she is amazing!

  7. Good to hear that you're starting to feel a bit better.

    Congratulations to Madison. Your first professional job is a big deal.

  8. Jim, Hope you don't get sick again for a long time, but if you do, you might want to try It's $40 and you get to talk to a doc via an app on your phone...don't have to leave the house and they'll call in prescriptions for you, if necessary.

    1. Thanks for the tip, I'll definitely remember that link

  9. Congratulations to your daughter! This country needs good teachers!

  10. Congratulations to her! I teach 3/4. Great ages!

  11. Thanks for the shout out, Daddy! I love you so much! I'm glad you're feeling better!


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