
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Fathers, Cherish Your Daughters

My son-in-law, Nate, with his daughter Savannah Grace
Saturday officially kicked off my summer marathon training.  And it was AWESOME!!!  It felt so good to go out on a long run, albeit in the misty rain, and start getting my body back into shape.  Plus, my recovery run on Sunday was even better ... 85 sunny degrees in KC!  Now we're talkin'!

I'll most likely run two marathons in the Fall - the Pocatello Marathon in Idaho in late August, and Indianapolis Monumental in November.  Pocatello is still about 14 weeks away, so I might try to fit another one in there in the summer at some point.  Plus, I'm thinking about running the Plaza 10K again this year.  And I'm sure I'll also have a half marathon here or there as well.  But the main event is Indianapolis, where I really want to run under 3 hours for the first time.  Tall order ... yes ... bit that's what I'm focused!

The main thing I need to build right now is mileage and endurance.  My speed is not too far off, but I've got to get stronger and start logging some mileage again.  With all the shorter races in the Spring, I kind of slacked off from the distance.  But when I run my fall marathons, I don't want the length of the race to be an issue, only the speed I'm trying to run.  So I'll probably end up doing a lot of back to back long runs - they usually help with that.

Madi & Madi's Dad after the OKC Half Marathon
And now, some "grandfatherly advice".  I try really hard on this blog to keep my opinions, as just that.  I'm not an expert runner, and can only share with you ideas that work for me.  Honestly, I could care less if you try my training plans or not ... it's all just conversation and information exchange.  But I AM an expert at one thing ... raising my daughter!  I did that really well.  And it struck me as I was taking pictures of little Savannah Grace, for my daughter Madison, and her husband, Nate ... he's gonna be a great dad too.  The picture above of Nate and Savannah is one of my favorites from our "photo session".

What's the secret to a great daughter?  It's simple.  Every day of her life, no matter what, absolutely 100% make her feel and believe that she is the most important thing in your life.  Not a spoiled brat, get anything you want, little diva.  No, a true princess that you honor, and respect, and protect with all that you are.  It's that simple.

I'm blessed to have a great relationship with both of my kids.  They both know how  much I love them, and I know they feel the same way.  But little girls are interesting.  They develop so many inner characteristics from their male role models.  Obviously, wonderful young ladies can come from broken homes, or homes where there is not a male figure. But if you're a father, and fortunate enough to have a young lady in your house, treat her with the respect and love she deserves.  Cherish every second with her.  It will pay off.  

My daughter is a beautiful young lady, and will be an even better mother.  And Nate will love little Savannah the same way I loved Madison.  So anyway ... I somehow turned this post into an episode of The View, so I should probably just say ... have a great holiday, and enjoy your training ... because SUMMER'S HERE!!!
... be great today!


  1. I spent the weekend cuddling babies - my half-brother's whopper and my nieces twins. There is nothing better in the world. Not even running a PB.

  2. Awwwww.... Daddy's and Daughters are special, for sure. I don't think this was an episode of "The View" there weren't any angry women looking for something to be angry about and complaining... (that's my take away from the only time I watched it)... This was more like classic TV, Leave it to Beaver, Andy Griffin....

    1. Ha ... we share EXACTLY the same opinion of The View

  3. This is a great post! My two daughters are the world to me. An now my niece (my god daughter) is my new princess. Not that I'm rushing it, but I can't wait to be a grandfather. I will be the best one ever!!

  4. What a sweet post. You have a wonderful family.

  5. This put tears in my eyes. So much truth in this. A good male role model is irreplaceable in a woman's life.

    1. I just don't think enough guys take this seriously enough. It's something that a lot of young women are missing - in my opinion.

  6. Um hi this was so beautiful! I could careless how fast you run but the way you parent is great. You are kind of awesome Jim. And I'm always thinking you were the lucky one to find Michael. :-)


    1. Ha, you're sweet Rachelle, but I AM trying to get faster!


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