
Sunday, May 18, 2014

My Veiled Pre-Race Pretentiousness

Pre-Race at the Fargo Marathon with
my shiny new Boston Marathon Jacket
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not the "flashy" type.  I'm dull, gray, boring ... yes, of course hilarious, sexy, and humble ... but generally I just want to blend in.  My wife and I have been very blessed and fortunate in our careers and do okay, but I absolutely DO NOT like spending money on expensive clothes, jewelry, or ridiculous things that appear haughty or snobbish in any way.  In fact, it really pissed me off when Michael bought her stupid Lexus a few years ago because I felt like it was too "show-off-ish", even though half of the soccer moms in this town drive the same car.  It's just how I am.

When I got my Boston Marathon jacket a few years ago, I wore it all the time.  Man, I hardly ever took it off because I was so proud of the thing.  Some people can just breeze to a Boston qualifying time, but I can't.  I gotta work my butt off to get there.  And the jacket was a symbol of my hard work and dedication to our sport.  But after a while, I felt like the guy who was wearing the jacket just to say, "Hey everybody ... check out this jacket!!!  Yep, I ran Boston!!!  Got any questions?"  Kinda showy, or flashy, or bragge'rish.  Which is TOTALLY not me ... well, a little bragger'ish ... but not totally.  In fact, I was photo'd in the jacket so often, Jason from CookTrainEatRace jokingly told me, "Yeah we get it Jim ... you ran Boston!"

I struggled with this dilemma for quite a while.  I mean, I was very proud of the accomplishment and wanted to display it for the world to see - especially at races - but didn't want to be so obvious about it.   So a few month ago, I was rummaging through Michael's side of the closet for something.  After about three hours in the blinding snowstorm of sweaters, blouses, boots and skirts, the search party finally found me.  But not before I'd ran across a 2011 Boston Marathon draw-string bag she'd bought at the expo.  It was just hanging out in the closet not being used.  And this was my answer!

In attempted to be a little more casual about it,
I can now be seen with the Boston Marathon bag
Since Michael wasn't using the bag, I decided it would be my pre and post race gear check bag.  That way ... I could still display something from my Boston Marathon experience around other runners ... but hopefully be a little less conspicuous about it.  The bag was more a way of saying, "Oh, look at that, did I grab this old Boston Marathon bag on the way out the door?  Didn't even notice.  What's that ... well shucks yes, I DID run Boston."  It became a fantastic, much more concealed way make everyone aware of my tremendous accomplishment.  A way to feign nonchalant'ness, while making sure I was seen with the Boston Marathon logo.

But wouldn't you know it, now at some races, you're required to use their "official race bag" for security reasons.  Which is understandable, but it completely ruins my diabolical plan.  Now I gotta think of something else.  And before y'all go judging me ... you know you do the exact same thing.  It's why we plaster our vehicles with 26.2 & 70.3 bumper stickers, and wear certain race shirts to the grocery store, or at our kid's ball games or school events.  We want everyone in the immediate area to be aware that we conquered a particular Cancer Walk, 5K, Tough Mudder, Marathon, Ultra Marathon or Triathlon.  We are all, of course, proud of our hard work and want to crow about it a little.  It's just that I'm arrogant enough to admit it in a blog - ha!  Have a great week & please be on the lookout for my Boston Marathon gear bag!
... be great today!


  1. You can still use your Boston bag with the clear gear check bags. Just empty the contents and shove the empty boston bag into the clear bag with the rest of your gear.

  2. Guess you will have to go back to your Boston jacket! Here's how you can mentally frame it: wearing Boston gear is practically patriotic at this point. So wear that jacket all over, and tell yourself you're being "Boston strong". Problem solved.

    1. Well, I am patriotic! That's another great idea!

  3. I just BQ'd in March. Assuming the colors are decent and I make it through registration & get to Boston, I plan to buy and wear all the Boston gear I can! Can you buy it after the race though? Buying it pre-race makes me a little nervous, like wearing a race shirt in the race (a no-no).

    1. Congrats on the BQ MJ! I think they leave them online for a while, so it shouldn't be a problem for you. Good luck, hope you get in later this year!

  4. If I ever went to Boston I would wear the jacket all the time too :) You should be proud that is a huge accomplishment

    1. Thanks Christy, I'm definitely proud of the accomplishment, I had to work hard to get there.

  5. Wear the jacket, you earned it!! Wear the damn (sorry) jacket!!! You aren't arrogant you are proud of yourself, and it is an accomplishment worthy of pride!!!

  6. Haha! This is so hilarious. Thanks for giving me a smile today. I only ever wear race shirts to bed and as throw aways - Mine are just all so dang ugly and ill-fitting . . . but maybe it would be different for Boston if I ever run it. Kristen

    1. Ha, yeah Kristen I definitely have several that I would NEVER wear in public.

  7. I say wear it. BUT don't put one of those stickers on your car window!!! ;)

    1. Yeah, those stickers aren't for me Lauren, but I know a lot of people like them.

  8. Wear the jacket & no need to feel arrogant. If you are wearing the jacket AND THEN vocalizing your accomplishment, well, thats kinda creepy. I don't get the sense that you are stating the obvious when you have your jacket OR bag around your neck OR at a race. Just be you & be thankful you are NOT wearing a Harley Jacket, Glee Club, Raiders, or whatever stereo type there is. Again, be proud & congrats on the honor. Cheers

    1. Ha Padre, of course I'm a Chiefs fan, so you'll NEVER find me in Raiders gear!!!!!!!!!

  9. OK, I know you are trying to be funny, but your post made me think, about your attitude, but also about mine. IMHO, it is not a good sign if you try too hard to brag and display your badges, and it is not a good sign if you try too hard to hide them. Both cases are extreme and both cases mean that you take the "badges" and yourself too seriously. And that you pay really strong attention to these "badges" with other people. That these "badges" matter to you... I prefer your extreme option out of the two, but don't over-think it, please, and just do not care so much about other people opinion about you. Cheers!

    1. Great points - I have both of those extremes, pretty much split down the center. At times, I'm way too focused on other's opinions - but also at times, equally couldn't care less. I would probably be better off with toning them both down.

  10. This made me laugh hard enough to actually leave a comment. Good job Jim! ;-)

    Keep on keeping on....My entire work thought I was completely famous after I ran Boston. After I broke 3 hours in the marathon I got nothin!


    1. Well ... WHEN I run my 3:00 race this fall ... THEN I'll really be a big deal - ha! sarcasm.

  11. lol! This line had me dying "Hey everybody ... check out this jacket!!! Yep, I ran Boston!!! Got any questions?" hahaha

  12. and hey, if I went to the average joe Olympics (aka Boston), I would tell anyone in the vicinity about it!

    1. I've heard that line before about Boston, "the average Joe Olympics" - I love it! To your point, when I first ran it, I thought "Wow, I'm kind of a big deal ... I gotta let everyone know!!!" ... I soon learned there were STILL - and always will be - runners that smoke me! Plus, no one really cared that I ran Boston - ha! That said, it was so awesome and I really wanna try to run it again.


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