
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Some Days You're The Windshield ...

Gratuitous picture of Doug ... no real point in it, other than he's
... eh, but someday's you're the bug!

And at my half-marathon last Saturday, I was kinda "the bug".  In fact, it seems like most of the past few months I've been more "insect", than a high speed pane of glass.  But all things considered, I'm in good health and fair conditioning, and looking forward to a long summer of marathon training.

My primary goal this year - and it will remain so until injury or life circumstances change my course - is to run a 3:00 marathon in the fall.  My intent is run it at the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon in November.  But the suddenly non-stop flow of babies around here has another due about that time.  Yes ... grandchild #3.  I've morphed into an old man seemingly overnight.  So we'll have to wait & see how the ol' Stork-Schedule falls.

So I'll try to put recent sub-standard races behind me and only look forward.  I heard a really cool tag line in an ad for female fitness equipment the other day ... "Do you throw in the towel, or use it to wipe off the sweat?"  Um ... I think you're supposed to choose the latter, right?  Admittedly, the older I get, the tougher it is to maintain the level I want to run at ... but I will enjoy every step of the process!  Here we go!
... be great today!


  1. I lay the towel on the beach and sunbathe, so there.

    1. So you lie on the towel you laid on the ground, right?

  2. I think those races are all valuable training and great experience. Looking forward to follow you to that sub 3:00!

    1. Thanks Johann, I think we definitely learn more when we miss the target!

  3. Buck up little buckaroo! Running is a fickle mistress we can't give up. You can do it!

  4. I've been the bug too many times of late. It's frustrating but you're right--you have to put it behind you and move forward. And I love gratuitous dog pics!

    1. Yeah, I'm ready for summer Amanda ... just ready to run in warm weather!

  5. Kathee called you "little Buckaroo" ^^^^^ I got nothing better than that... But I can share that I will be a grandfather this fall as well. Let's go walker shopping together soon

    1. Awesome man! Congrats!!! There's nothing like grandchildren!

  6. Time goals are great and I definitely have them. The "being the bug" feeling is often counterbalanced by gratitude and thankfulness. You have an awful lot to be thankful for and I'm happy for you in that regard. There's a lot of water in your glass; appreciate it.

    1. Absolutely Matthew! I'm very fortunate in so many ways in my life. This running thing consumes a lot of my time, but it's not what's important at the end of the day!


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