
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Back On Track

Pretty good, but abbreviated track workout this morning.  Like all of us, I use track workouts to increase my leg turnover speed and improve my VO2max.  But it's also a nice change of pace (pun), with no hills!  Here's today's workout ...

Location: Bernard Campbell Jr High
Weather: 70 degrees, 88% humidity
Weight: 179
Health: Good/no issues
Workout Grade: B

2 mile warm up ... 8:30 & 7:28
1 mile @ Marathon Pace ... 6:36
8 x 400 Meter Repeats with 1 min rest ... 79(seconds per lap), 77, 78, 79, 80, 78, 79, 77 (4:54/mile avg pace)
1 mile @ 5K Pace ... 5:59
2 miles no stop @ 10K Pace ... 6:17 & 6:12
Half mile cool down ... 9:00/pace
8.50 miles total

It wasn't a "blazing fast" workout - but it was a good bench mark that I can improve on.  I had pretty aggressive leg strengthening workout last night at 5:00pm, and my legs were still a little weak and wobbly from that.  So considering tired legs, and the first Speed Workout of the season ... I'll take it!  C'mon ... that's right ... cheerio!
... be great today!


  1. "it wasnt a blazing fast workout".....
    um hello under 5 min mile 400's.....and your marathon pace is my 5k pace--one day(soon) I will be as fast as you!!!!!!!!!!
    : )
    great job kicking off summer training btw!

    1. Thanks Melissa, yeah - it was good to get an idea of where I was right now.

  2. my god - 6:36 mile at marathon pace?!? If you don't break 3 hours in the marathon I'd be really shocked. That is an insane track workout.

    1. Ha, well - understand that I call my "marathon pace" the pace that I'll have to spend a lot of the marathon at, not necessarily the overall average pace. For 3:00, I need a 6:49/avg, so I figure with hills, fade, warmup, etc - I'll have to spend quite a few of those miles below 6:40 - but we'll see. I have a loooooooong way to go this summer to get there.

  3. I think my speed sessions are less to improve my VO2 max and more to stop it deteriorating any further.


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