
Monday, July 21, 2014

Fall Race Schedule ... Join Me!

Following is my semi-set-in-stone, but completely subject to change, 2014 Fall race schedule.  I'd planned on a couple more races on both coasts, but our airplane budged took a little bit of hit this year due to several family issues, so our travel/race plans were altered a little.   If you're doing one of these races, I would love to meet you!

Urban Wildland Half-Marathon
August 2, 2014
Richfield, MN

This is a race I recently added because, frankly, I'm faster than I've ever been right now, and don't want to waste it all on training miles.  Plus, it fits really well into my marathon training schedule.  I can't imaging I won't PR at the race because at 1:28:09, my Half-Marathon PR is probably a little slower than it should be.  But crazy things happen on race day, so we'll see.

Pocatello Marathon
August 30, 2014
Pocatello, ID

This will be my first attempt at a 3-hour marathon, but honestly as always, the first goal is just to finish.  The second goal is to PR, even if only by a second.  I really don't think I'll be fast enough for a 3-hour marathon by then ... if ever.  There just seems to be a world of difference between averaging a 6:49/pace for a few miles during training, and for a full 26.2 miles on race day.  Right now, I feel like it will be a really good race considering the first part of the course is downhill.  But the 5,000 feet of altitude might have something to say about the outcome.  I'll try to get out there a few days early to get acclimated.

Plaza 10K
September 14, 2014
Kansas City, MO

If this race were more than two weeks after my marathon, I might actually "guarantee" a PR.  But I've tried that in the past and failed, plus, after running a marathon only 14 days prior, I'm not sure how much I'll be recovered.  But it's a really great race that I PR'd last year with a 38:41, and I should be able to run it fairly well again this year.

Prairie Fire Half-Marathon
October 10, 2014
Wichita, KS

This race WILL by my revenge on this course.  As you might recall, a few years ago I ran probably the worst marathon of my life here, considering my expectations of myself.  I crashed at mile 20, and after feeling like I would PR going in, I ran my second worst time ever.  And even though I won't be running the full marathon at this race this year ... I promise you I run down this flaming rabbit and kick his butt ... hopefully for my best race of the year ... and a half-marathon PR.  The course is flat and fast and ready to be had!

Indianapolis Monumental Marathon
November 1, 2014
Indianapolis, IN

This is what I would consider my "A" race of the Fall.  It will be my second attempt at a 3-hour marathon, and it's the perfect course for it!  I ran this race a few years ago, and basically I LOVE any race in Indy.  It's a wonderful town that's flat and perfect for running.  And if everything goes as planned, hopefully it will be my fastest marathon ever ... and if the stars align ... maybe I'll be a sub-3 hour marathoner!

Longview Half Marathon
November 15, 2014
Kansas City, MO

Full disclosure ... I'm only running this race because it's about 3 miles from my front door ... and their giving away really cool jackets!  It will be very hilly and I WILL NOT be running it hard ... heck, I might even walk some of it.  It's the inaugural year for the race, so we'll see how it's organized.  But we have a lot of friends running it, so it should be fun!

So that's basically it.  I'll probably try to mix in a 5K somewhere, because I REALLY want to run one under 18 minutes, and I feel like I'm really close to that right now.   But I've already PR'd for the year in that distance, so if it doesn't work into the schedule, it's no big deal.  So there's my schedule ... how are your races shaping up for the Fall?
... be great today!


  1. Great schedule!

    I was thinking about visiting some friends in KS and doing the Prairie Fire Marathon. Still up in the air at the moment. If not that one, I'll do the Kansas City Marathon.

    1. That's awesome! Both are great races, let me know if you get here.

  2. I'm doing the Plaza 10k - my FIRST race over a 5k! I need to set my best time, as I'm going to submit that time to get a good corral for the WDW Princess Half Marathon in February. Have you ran the Plaza 10k before? I'm wondering how tough the course is - or if it's similar to the Trolley Run and mainly downhill. I can only hope!

    I thought about doing the Longview Half, but I'd already signed up for the Waddell & Reed Half in October. Perhaps next year I'll switch it up and do Longview, since it's about 10 minutes from my house!

    Good luck on your races - you're an inspiration, as I can only dream about being as fast as you!


    1. Thanks Sherri, I really appreciate the kind words - yes, I did the Plaza 10K last year. It's not a bad course at all, there are a couple of small hills at the start and then the only "real hill" is at about mile 5, but it's nothing unmanageable. You'll have fun - it's a great race! Good luck!

  3. you should come down to Memphis sometime and smoke me at the St Jude Marathon in Decemeber. Seems liek it would not be too far judging by some of the races.

    1. Ya know I might look itno St. Judes - I looked into a few years ago and I think it sold out.

  4. I'm doing a Boring marathon on September 14. That's the Boring, Oregon inaugural marathon. Sister city is Dull, Scotland :)

    1. Ha, well it should be fun. On a similar note, we live about 15 miles from Peculiar, Missouri.

  5. Bummer you won't be in Newport for October... I am mostly being cajoled into a 6 hour ultra for November, we shall see. For now I am enjoying a break from racing however definetly feel the effect of not having a training plan, I'm a little lazy.

    1. I was going to do a double out there in the Fall Beth, but had to alter our plans a little - maybe next year.

  6. This looks like a great schedule. I may have to jump in on some of those races since they aren't too far!

    1. Yeah, I think you're in STL right? You should join us!

  7. Still planning on doing the Longview. The hilly part doesn't scare me too bad. I do 99% of my running up by Legacy and those hills are brutal.

    1. You'll do fine with the hills Allison - although, I should warn you - the Longview hills are much worse tha the Legacy area hills (in my opinion)

  8. That's a full schedule. Should make a lot of interesting reading for the rest of the year.

  9. None near me. When you come to Vt/NH I'll be there!

    1. Hopefully we'll get out there next year - I know we both would love to say hi!

  10. I have no burning desire to visit the midwest anytime soon (sorry, sort of), but a race giving away jackets sounds rather exciting. I do so love a nice swag bag!

  11. Looks like a good schedule. Maybe I have more confidence in your race times than you do, but seems like the absolute worst you should do at a marathon right now is 3:04. Maybe just think of a race like a long training run? I've never ran a race at altitude, but someone said that the downhill course sometimes is offset by oxygen deprivation from being at higher elevation. Curious what happens at Pocatello. Though my prediction is 3:04 or lower.

    1. I think I'd be happy with a 3:04 at this point, who knows - the altitude might not be a big deal

  12. and you definitely will get that half marathon PR, barring any crazy weather that surfaces. 6:30 pace ish?

    1. Yeah, I feel good about it Michael - who knows on race day though

  13. It would be so cool to see someone I know through a blog at a race. Unfortunately, those states are not in my schedule - can't wait to see how you do!

    1. Yeah it's pretty awesome finally meeting people in person after visiting with them on line

  14. I just found your blog, but I'm training for the Indianapolis Monumental. It will be my first full. I signed up at midnight on New Year's Eve; sort of a way to kick 2014 into gear. I started couch to 5k in February, discovered the hard way one leg is longer than the other and my pelvis is twisted, just finished six weeks of PT, and am gearing back up into full training mode!! My goal is to finish :). I will be 39 next month, but I love your goal of a marathon in every state after turning 40!


Thanks for stopping by ... your comment's always welcome!