
Monday, July 14, 2014

My Wife ..."You've Got The Perfect Body"

When you start to get up there in age, it's the simple little things in life that make you smile.  Or in this case, the kind & romantic words offered by a loved one.  The following is the stuff Hallmark cards are made of my friends ...

It was a normal weekday morning after a workout, and I was getting into the shower ... which would be an an otherwise unsavory visual event for anyone not named "Mrs. Weatherly" (and probably for her too).  But right then and there it happened.  As she stood there staring at the grandfather of two (kinda gross, but we're all adults here) ... my wife, the wonderfully intelligent and strikingly beautiful Michael, of the blog "Slowly Tri-ing" actually said these words to me ...

"You've got the perfect body ..."

Before she could utter another word, I interrupted and said, "WOW ... thanks babe!  That's really cool that after all these years, you still think I'm sexy.  I know my face isn't much to look at, but yeah - I work really hard at these rippling muscles, washboard abs, and rock hard legs ... but I wasn't sure you noticed anymore!  It really makes a man of my age feel good that you agree and think that I have THE PERFECT BODY!!! Thank youuuwaaa!!!"

But alas, it was too good to be true.  Because before I could continue with my "Man Of The House" acceptance speech, she burst back in ...

"You didn't let me finish" she said, "You've got the perfect body ... for running! You've got long legs, thick thighs, strong calves, and tiny little feminine ankles and feet.  I've been reading a book about it lately, and saw it in a video. It's probably not the best body for a lot of things, but I've gotta admit you've got a good runner's body."

Honestly, the second part stung a little, but I didn't let on.  I told her it was too late, and that I had her voice on tape saying "I had the perfect body". (Man, the arguments I would win if we actually had audio tape recording all the time in our home ... but that's another post)  She of course just rolled her eyes and left the room.

But finally ... after all the core work, and running, and lifting, and watching what I eat ... it had finally paid off.  The woman I love finally admitted I was the perfect specimen!  Thanks sweetie ... I obviously think you're perfect too!
... be great today! 


  1. "Tiny little feminine ankles and feet." Bet they'd look even better in six inch stilettos.

  2. I've learned that when I nice compliments starts, you just say, "THANKS!" at the drown-out levels as you flee the room before the, "...but..." starts.

    1. Good advice, I think I'm gonna put this into practice into several areas of my life

  3. This is a really sweet post. Take the compliments however you can get them.

    1. No doubt Paul - btw, I wish I would've known you were at the Rock The Crossroads 5K on Saturday - would've loved to meet you

  4. Beautiful! Your motto is is truly paying off!

    1. Hmm, well if I really had a great body I guess it would be! Oh well, work with what ya got I guess.

  5. Lucky you! I was once told I have the perfect body to be a great climber in a cycling team... It's just that I don't cycle...

    1. Ha, better than the perfect golfer or bowler body I suppose

  6. I like your sense of humor. Very funny! Thanks for making me laugh!

  7. This made me chuckle.... Great post.

  8. Only Char… ; )

    Love this story.

    1. Char definitely marches to a different beat, but that's why she's awesome!

  9. Honest to goodness, there's about a billion running blogs out there and I really am only familiar with a few. Somehow I stumbled upon yours many months ago. I keep coming back which means you're doing a good job. Funny post today.

    1. Thanks Bill - but now I feel enormous pressure - kidding, I really appreciate you reading!

  10. This is freaking hilarious. You gotta take what you can get! :p


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