
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

PR Tempo Run, 9 Miles@6:19/pace

I think I buried the lead yesterday.  In a passing line in my post yesterday about strength training, I mentioned that I ran my fastest ever Tempo Run on Tuesday.  I didn't write about it here because when I detail Tempo Runs, it usually gets about 7 reads.  However, I did put it on my blog's Facebook page (here).  But since I posted it, many folks have already commented and asked for details about the run ... and since I'm a man of the people and just try to give you what you want, ha ... here ya go...

It was simply one of my best runs I've ever had, race or otherwise.  When I started, I really felt a little tired and dead-legged, and never really felt "light and bouncy".  But my legs are actually getting stronger and faster this season than ever before, and yesterday was a very encouraging and positive sign for my Fall races.

The run was 12 miles in total, with the middle 9 at Tempo Pace.  The run wasn't "easy" at all, I mean it was a Tempo Run for Pete's sake, but I really didn't struggle with it ... and I didn't stop the clock at all from start to finish, even when I stopped for a second to fish hidden water out of the bushes.  The weather certainly helped because it was a record low of 55 degrees, with very little wind!  Simply a beautiful morning to run and I felt like I took advantage of it.

Now if you read this blog frequently, you know I can't just "leave well enough alone."  Even though it was my fastest Tempo Run ever, there are still a TON of things that need improvement.  For example, I've got to even out the paces.  A good solid Tempo Run should be a little closer together in pace.  That's simply a muscle control and core fitness issue.  But in fairness, my new Garmin 910 seems to skip around on pace much more than my old Forerunner did, so it's tougher to stay on schedule.  Also, for this marathon I want to get to where I can do 15-18 miles at 6:25/pace ... and I'm not there yet, but I'm hopefully working up to it.

But all in all it was a GREAT run for me!  Honestly, if Tuesday would have been a half marathon, I genuinely think I could have ran a 1:25 ... which is my goal in the Fall.  But for the time being, I'm dialing it back and trying to stay on schedule, adding more strength and speed, hopefully for my fastest races ever this year.
... be great today!


  1. Ah, that's better! Haha. Seriously great tempo, faster than my fastest 5k, and I stand by my opinion that you are ready to race now. If I were you, and had a big travel fund and lots of vacation days somewhere, I would book a trip to somewhere cold and run a half marathon.

    1. I actually looked into running a half before my marathon in 6 weeks, but there's nothing remotely close or NOT at elevation. I agree though, I don't want this fitness to go to waste

  2. Your 9th mile was 6:01. That is seriously impressive. Seriously.

  3. Wow yea that is a ridiculous run. I'd be shocked if you don't break 3:02 at your next marathon

    1. I don't know Michael, I don't think I'm that fast - I mean I'm training for 3:00, but that's probably a little out of my reach

  4. It's exciting to see that sort of progress, isn't it? Even at your age (which compared to mine is young) there can still be improvement if you put the work in.

    1. No doubt Char, I just want to find my ceiling, regardless of my age - I feel like I'm in pretty good shape right now


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