
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hope My Fortune Doesn't Run Out

Michael & me with the Royals mascott, Sluggerrr!  Yep, two grown adults with a fake lion
If things don't change, I'm gonna burn up all my good fortune.  Ya know how they say, "Bad things happen in bunches!" ... well my friends, I regret to inform you that I'm actually on a bit of a winning streak.  Not that that's a bad thing, I'm just afraid I might be burning up all my lucky charms before race day, Saturday in Pocatello.

It actually started a few months ago with my marathon training.  In a word, it went ... GREAT!!!  Frankly, I can't remember such a fast and healthy cycle.  So much so, that at 45 years old, I set PR's in my last two tune-up races.

Then more recently, on Tuesday night - which was the first night of  my vacation - Michael and I were at the Kansas City Royals' game, watching them lose 1-0 in the bottom of the ninth inning.  It didn't look good for the Boys In Blue, but after a base hit by Alcides Escobar, Alex Gordon stepped to the plate and a hit a game winning home run.  I've literally been to hundreds of Royals games over the years never seen that happen until now.  Truly AMAZING!!!  And I can't help but believe it's because I was there ... ostensibly a walking rabbit's foot!

And finally, today at lunch I order a sandwich at Panera for lunch.  The girl behind the counter ran my telephone number to get my rewards points, and wouldn't ya know it ... I get a FREE SANDWICH!!!  No charge!!!  I mean what are the odds?

I'm tellin' ya, these are all signs of either a really good race on Saturday ... or a big fat end to my recent positive Karma.  I hope it's the former.  Truth be told, I feel pretty good about the race.  Other than  a slightly tight right groin (which is 100% related to a tight hamstring)  I feel pretty good.  I'm about 5 pounds heavier than I wanted be, but that's not a huge issue.  And my mental approach to this race is fairly  healthy as well.  I'm just trying not to build it up in my mind.  Sure I want to run well, but my primary focus this fall is on the Wichita Half and Indy Full in October and November.  So if I don't PR at this race, it's not the end of the world.

 So we'll see how it goes.  The main goal is to come of this race healthy.  I really don't think I can run a sub 3-hour race right now.  But who knows ... if I cross the finish line and my time begins with a "2", that just might be my walk-off shot in the bottom of the ninth.  And maybe I'll just hang it up after that and go out a winner.  Have a great weekend!
... be great today!  


  1. So give me some lottery numbers! Let's test this out for real!

    1. Use any digits between 0&9, if sequence doesn't matter you should be good

  2. This post makes me so happy! Yay for positivity. I also really love how excited you are about a free sandwich. It's the little things!

    Good luck this weekend :)

  3. I'm beginning to learn the value of the right attitude, and it sure looks like you have the right attitude. Maybe it's karma. Your good is paying you back!

  4. You obviously stole all my good luck :)

  5. It's going to continue! Enjoy!

  6. I really don't think anything can beat a free sandwich. Not even a sub-3 marathon.


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