
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Things Are Coming Along Nicely

Tina & Nicole, Chadd & Michelle, and Michael & me at the KC Multisport
Christmas Party last night - I always feel like a loser around triathletes because all I do is run
I think I'm back.  Back to exactly what level?  Who knows.  But after a very solid 20 miler last Saturday, and an 18 miler this morning that was affirmation of the previous run, I feel like things might actually be back to normal with my running.

This morning's long run was 18 miles at 7:19 average overall pace.  It was smooth.  It was fairly even paced.  And at the risk of sounding overly confident or haughty ... there was not one single thing that was difficult about the run at that pace!  That was the most encouraging part.  I really never felt like I was pushing it, even when the pace got down toward 7:00.

In late August, I felt like I was probably the fastest I've ever been, and in pretty good shape overall.  But when I fell of the wagon there for a while, I was not only amazed at how much fitness I lost ... but how immediately it went away.  It seemed almost like overnight.

Great picture of my family earlier this week at a stop at Crown Center
during our Plaza Lights Limo Ride - man, I love these people!
At Thanksgiving, I really recommitted to overall body health and fitness again.  I began my Core 5 program, and started the Runner's World 36 Days of Awesome Challenge, where you run at least one mile every day from Thanksgiving to New Years Day.  I'm not a big "run everyday" guy, but at that time I needed some motivation, and it worked.  Since Turkey Day, I've been consistent with core strengthening, and have really worked with upper body and leg strengthening as well.  Plus, I've put together a few good Tempo Runs.  I'll probably start a little Speed Work in a couple of weeks.  And best of all, I think I've actually lost about 5 pounds, in spite of the holidays!

We have a Half-Marathon in Springfield two days after Christmas next Saturday.  I scheduled it with the thought of using it as a bench mark for my training.  It will be really interesting to find out exactly how fast I am right now.  I don't think I'm below a 1:30 half, but I probably should be close.  We'll see I guess.

More than anything, it's just good to feel like I'm back in shape. I don't feeling like I have for the past couple of months.  I like the feeling of being able to go out and run 20+ miles any week of the year.  I know that's ambitious, but things just go better in my training when I bulk up on the miles a little. And based on the long runs I've had in consecutive weekends now, I should be able to start adding a little up-tempo pace after the first of the year, hopefully for a fast early-Spring marathon in Phoenix.  But for now, I'm just gonna enjoy the positive progress!
... be great today!


  1. I like feeling as though I'm always ready for a fast long run, too, but I'm sure your body appreciated the break. I bet you'll come back stronger and faster. Good luck next weekend!

  2. It just goes to show that a little bit of time off can actually be a good thing. Sure, you lose a bit of fitness but that's something that can be easily reversed with consistency and effort. The body and mind come back to running feeling refreshed.

    1. I hope so Char, I feel pretty good right now, just wanna build on it.

  3. Love seeing the pictures of your family.And great hearing about your fitness returning. It sure does leave quickly! It's so indicative of the second law of thermodynamics - as soon as you stop working to grow/improve/develop, you sink backwards.

    1. I think you're one of the top three smartest people that I pseudo know ... because I would've assumed thermodynamics had to do with heating a frozen pizza or something, so thank you.

  4. 20 miles at a sub 7:20?! I'd say you are back! My last 20 mile run was in April! I hope the half goes well. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  5. Great to hear you're starting to feel like yourself again! 7:20 m/mile is a dream pace for a 5k for me, let alone 20 miles! Heck, 20 miles is a dream distance for me. After Christmas I need to get back on track for spring half marathons and track. Merry Christmas Jim!

    1. It's so easy to let the winter slow us down Allison, but I'm sure you've got a great Spring track season in you - you had a really good Fall! Merry Christmas!


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