
Saturday, January 31, 2015

300 Mile Month

Pretty good week with 76 miles, and 20 of them below 7:00/pace.  Because of work schedule, had to cut some of the core and extra strength work a little short, so hopefully I'll get back on track with that again next week.   Got some really good Tempo work in on Tuesday, and capped the week with an easy 22 miler that I had to run on the treadmill, which although it made it much easier than a normal 22 miler, my body appreciated the rest from the pavement.  The week capped a 313 mile month, which was my sixth highest monthly total ever. I'll probably do 80 miles  next week, and then begin taper for my marathon.  All in all it was a pretty solid week!
... Be Great Today!


  1. That's awesome! I hit 100 miles this month. That's super big for me.

  2. That's an awful lot of miles. You'll be ready for your marathon for sure.

  3. impressive... If I were still running I'd hire you as my coach.

  4. I think with the amount of miles you're getting in you'll be able to skip through the marathon. Your legs have got to be as solid as tree trunks by now. Well done sir!


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