
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Detailed Marathon Training - Jan 8-24

Pretty good week of training capped with maybe my best long of the year so far.  It was a recovery week so I kept the mileage basically the same as the week before, but really backed off on the speed.  Only 7 miles were ran below 7:00/pace, with all of the runs at a nice easy pace.  Saturday's run went really well with 7:28 overall pace and the last 5 miles ran at 6:50/average.  This week I'll crank back up the intensity and try to hit it pretty hard.
There's five weeks left until the Phoenix marathon and I feel pretty good at this point ... but still a lot of work to get in.  Hope your training's going well.
... Be Great Today!


  1. Uh. that's a lot of training. I guess I really need to start kicking it in to high gear if I ever want to catch you this side of 50.

  2. Please, you're a much better runner than me - with two new hips you'll blow by me in no time at all.

  3. You may want to chalk up Wednesdays run to DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness) after the plyo workout? I will take the blame for that one! Your thoughts about work and such is on you though,lol!
    : )
    hope your odd back pain doesn't come back!
    solid training week and yes,I ditto Gracies comment!!!

    1. Yeah, my legs were pretty sore on Wed, ha - but I'm looking forward to tackling the process again this Monday. I'm sure this go-'round will be much better with less residual muscle soreness.

  4. I love how your weekly recaps never seem to include the words, "skipped this run," or "thought about doing X, but that didn't happen." It's really inspiring to see the effort you put in!

    1. Thanks Pahla, that means a lot coming from a really dedicated athlete like you. I try really hard to be consistent.


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