
Friday, January 16, 2015

Things Nerds Say ... "I'm Stoked About My Muscle Poster!"

I am a nerd.  And I'm not the brightest bulb in the scoreboard either. Sure, I'm advanced enough in my career to keep a group of contractors, architects, and engineers entertained for an hour (I'm speaking to 200 of them next week) ... but I'm nowhere near "doctor smart".  But as I've aged, and really become more in tune with my physical fitness and makeup, I've taken a huge interest in the human body, and especially the human muscular system.  And honestly, if I had a time machine ... and a little more going on between the ears ... I think being involved in the medical field would be an interesting career.  But alas, I'll probably just keep giving riveting technical presentations to contractors, architects, and engineers until I retire ... whoopee!!! (no offense the any contractors, architects, or engineers who might read my blog, though it's doubtful)

So you can imagine this nerds joy and jubilation when his very own 18" x 24" semi-glossy poster of the human muscular system arrived today in the mail.  Soooo exciting!!!  And of course I immediately put it up in our new home gym (a.k.a. unfinished portion of the basement).

And call me crazy, but I definitely think this will make our family healthier.  It's been my experience that much, if not most of my joint pain and niggles caused from running are typically simply due to tight muscles.  Often, if I can isolate the pain, and then trace it back to the belly of the main muscle that feeds into that particular area, I can massage, stretch, or roll my way out of the discomfort.  For example, sometimes stretching the glutes or hips a little differently can ease tight knees.  And really digging into the hamstring muscles can ease a sharp pains in the adductor.  It's amazing how everything really is connected.  And now, with blown up images of the human muscle system, identifying the connecting muscle that is potentially causing the problem will be much more readily available and visual.

Could I have simply continued with internet searches for the same information ... sure!  But I think it's cool having something you would find in a doctor's office right in our very own home.  At least it's cool to me ... but I'm a nerd.
... Be Great Today!


  1. I think you should go Eye Chart next.

  2. I agree. Sometimes you need to visualize a problem, and that's hard to do when it's something internal that you can't see. Having a reference tool to trace back to the possible source of irritation or tightness can help prevent injury.

  3. We'll Jim, looks like I'm a nerd right along with you!!!! Ever since I was 10 years old and diagnosed with accessory naviculars in my feet and scoliosis in my back, those charts of the human body fascinated me. It amazed me that i narrowly missed being braced and surgical correction just by simply strengthening the muscles in my core and lower body. Now granted I will always have a curve but no longer need a lift in my shoe!fast forward 25 years and I'm still amazed at how how the body moves and adapts through exercise. The physiology behind it all is fascinating!
    And now I'm stepping off the nerd box, lol!

  4. We had exactly the same poster on the back of our downstairs toilet door. Until #1 son packed it up and took it to Melbourne with him. I miss sitting on the throne and studying anatomy.

  5. I am with you! I had to go to a physical therapist for a few weeks and LOVED staring at that poster. Never thought of getting my own. Hmmm.... :)

  6. Haha, engineer here. But don't worry, no offense taken.

  7. I'd love to have one of these charts too. Now you are giving me ideas... I also like the ones with the trigger points that you find in the massage therapists' office.


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