
Saturday, February 7, 2015

80 Mile Marathon Training Week

Really great, 80 mile week of training. I got a little fatigued toward the end, but that's to be expected.  With the 22 miles I ran last Saturday, it made 102 miles in eight days, which is pushing it for me.  But there's only three weeks until the Phoenix Marathon, and typically, this is my toughest week.  The only thing I cut out was my Plyo workout on Monday.  I was just too fatigued and needed the day to rest my legs.  I'll try to do it this Monday.

The highlight of the week was the Saturday Long Run.  I did a race simulation and then ran the last few miles faster than marathon pace.  The overall pace for 17 miles was 7:03, but the last 10 miles of the run were at a 6:46.  I felt really good about the pace considering I felt pretty dead and heavy legged going into the run.  I had a leg massage on Friday, and typically the next day is a tough run day for me ... which this was.  I feel like with some rest, I could have held this pace without much trouble at all.  It was a really encouraging run ... but there's still a ton of work to do in three weeks.
... Be Great Today!


  1. Crunch time. That's a ton of miles. About this time is when I'd start easing off leg work - but SHOULD have kept up the core stuff (I didn't). I miss those fatigued weeks. I could ride the exercise bike for 12 hours and not get that long-run fatigue!
    Question - 80 miles, even fast, takes a lot of time. So does the extensive weight training you do. How much time are you spending per week running or working out? Trying to figure the right balance for myself - work, life, running, and all.

  2. When I'm in peak marathon modes like this, about all I do is workout, work, eat, and sleep. I usually workout on weekdays from about 4:30-7:00am, and in the evenings from about 4-5pm. I'm in sales, so my workday is all over the place without set hours, but I'll usually be in the office or making calls from 8-3:30, and then emails, paperwork, etc in the evenings from 6-8pm. I'm usually in bed asleep by 8:30pm. Pretty boring I know, but I'm in really good shape right now, ha.

  3. I can not even fathom. That's huge mileage.

  4. and... you find time to maintain an excellent blog

    Nice week

  5. Are you on Strava? If not, it didn't happen, LOL.

    1. Ha, yeah I'm aware of Strava, and no, not on it yet. I still keep everything on GarminConnect, though I'm not super crazy about it.

  6. Do you mainly focus on marathons or do you also do triathlons?

    1. Just running at this point J., and mostly marathons. All my buddies and my wife do tri's, but I've just never had an interest in it. I think I log more hours weekly than a lot of triathletes, so it's not the effort required - it's just the logistics and scheduling nightmare that triathletes go through - all the bike time, and/or trainer time, finding pool time, and still getting in a run ... it just doesn't interest me, but I never say never.


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