
Monday, March 16, 2015

400 Meter Repeats & Bursitis

After the Phoenix Marathon, I took a week off from running.  Not by choice.  I usually like to get out and run a few "active recovery" miles in the days after the race, but I just really couldn't work it into my schedule.  So my first run after the marathon was the following Saturday, when I did seven miles ... and in full disclosure ... I probably ran them a little too fast.  That's when I first started noticing a dull tightness, bordering on pain, on the outside of my left hip, directly at the top of the femur.

The pain persisted for the week, but I managed to get my light recovery workouts in.  This past Saturday, I had a 13 miler scheduled, with three miles at a 6:40 pace, which I completed.  But after the run, my hip ached all day.  I was starting to get worried and began over-analyzing it.  On Sunday, I got up and went through my typical core workout, and then was going to go for a light four mile recovery run.  But I only got about a mile into the run when I had to return home because of pain.

I started performing the typical self-diagnosis internet research, and after speaking to a couple of experienced and trusted runners, I determined that is was 99% most likely hip bursitis - inflammation of the trochanteric bursea.  Basically, a common overuse injury that many runners experience.

The problem is ... ain't nobody got time for this!  I have a race that I'm trying to PR in, in about six weeks,  So I've been icing and taking anti-inflammatory med's like a madman ... and it's feeling A LOT better.

So, what did I do on this perfect 82 degree Spring afternoon in KC?  Went out and ran way too fast of course! Actually, I had a track workout scheduled for Wednesday morning, but there's supposed to be a cold front moving through and I couldn't resist running in the warm sunshine.  Here are the splits from the workout ...

2.5 mile warm up
10 - 400 Meter repeats with 400 Meter rest after each
400M - 1:24 
400M - 1:25 
400M - 1:22 
400M - 1:22
400M - 1:19
400M - 1:20
400M - 1:20
400M - 1:20
400M - 1:19
400M - 1:23
1.5 mile cool down
9 miles total - avg about 5:20/mile pace during repeats

It was a pretty good workout that I didn't have to push too hard to complete.  I had 12 repeats scheduled, but I cut out the last two because my hip was really tight, but not overly sore.  After I got home, I immediately iced, and I'll ice again before I go to bed.

I'll try to play this by ear.  I think as long as I stretch, ice, load up on protein, and get plenty of rest, I can run through this - but I'll be smart about it.  I want to have a really good running year, and if I don't take care of this issue, it will linger through the summer.  I'll keep you updated!
... Be Great Today!


  1. You're spot on there. If you don't look after it now it'll come back to bite you on the arse again and again and again. I hope it's just a quick fix for you.

    1. Yeah, I think I can manage it Char, I just want to make sure I stay on top of it.

  2. Take care of that hip bursitis Jim. I had something similar and basically it was IT-band of the hip. My IT-band was rubbing against my bursa and caused a lot of pain. Occasionally after long runs I still get stabbing pain in there, but it usually resolves itself in a few hours. If it is bad enough, you may find some relief in taking NSAIDs. I eventually went to PT for it and was proscribed Celebrex, but I was out of commission for about 4 - 6 weeks.

    Your best weapon against this will be your foam roller. If you don't have one, I suggest getting one - pronto. Also, check to see what sort of terrain you are running on. I notice I get it if I am doing a lot of road running where the road is cambered. That results in one leg being slightly off than the other.

    So you are eyeballing the Colfax marathon too? I was looking at that as well.

    Definitely baby this injury before it turns into something debilitating...


    1. Yeah, the foam roller is my best friend, especially for my quads - so like you suggested, I'll be putting it to good use. The plan right now is to run Colfax if the hip stays healthy. I won't run it fast, it will basically just be to check a State off. We have some friends in the area that we plan on visiting and it fit into my schedule. But we'll see.

  3. So glad your hip is feeling better!

  4. Great 400's! I have those up tomorrow. Been a while since I've run those! Glad to hear your bursitis is getting better. I had that in my knee after LRM one year but fortunately it was a quick recovery!

    1. Thanks Tia (nowhere near your paces, ha), at this point I'm hoping the hip thing will be short-lived.

  5. I hope it gets better really quickly. I am struggling with a sore upper left leg and it is so frustrating. Take care Jim!

  6. Good luck, hope it heals up quickly. There is nothing more frustrating than the body not cooperating with plans!


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