
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Good Jump Start

After spending most of the Spring nursing a sore hip, I think I'm finally healthy enough to hit my Summer training plan at full speed.  And SPEED was the key word today as I got in an abbreviated, but pretty decent Ladder Workout on the streets of downtown Omaha.  Actually, I ran round and round TD Ameritrade Park, the home of the College World Series, which is just North of downtown.  It was well lit with wide open sidewalks, and was right across the street from my hotel.  Plus, it was flat and made it better for a speed session.
TD Ameritrade Park - Omaha, NE ... Home of the College World Series
Here's how the workout went...

2 mile warm up
   400M@1:17 (5:08 pace)
   400M@1:14 (4:56 pace)
   800M@2:43 (5:27 pace)
   1 mile@6:05
   800M@2:53 (5:48 pace)
   400M@1:12 (4:49 pace)
   400M@1:11 (4:44 pace)
2 mile cool down ... 8 miles total with active recovery after each run

A couple of things ... I was really happy with the short distance speed on the 400's.  It feels like after all of the hip struggles, I've still got fairly decent leg turnover.  But the flip side is I was pretty disappointed with the mile and the second 800.  I just don't have hardly any endurance right now. Hopefully I'll be able to start building that back, but all in all it wasn't a bad workout.  Hopefully it was a good jump start to Summer training! Have a great week!
... Be Great Today!


  1. Holy leg turnover batman!!!
    Yes it does appear your hip troubles are behind you! I think you did a great job keeping your fitness up during your injury ( as your last half proved!) the endurance will come back quicker than what you think!
    Way to kick off summer training, a great start!!

    1. I'm just really trying to stay rolled out and eat a lot anti-inflammatory foods

  2. Question for you, do you run by a cadence? I have been trying to hit a cadence of 90 on my runs and I am not there yet.

    1. Hey J - I certainly keep an eye on my cadence, but don't follow it religiously. A couple of years ago when I changed to a mid-foot strike, I became more aware of it and I really tried to shorten my stride and increase my cadence. Every once in a while now days, I'll count as I'm running to make sure I'm not too far off track, but I'm usually right around 180 (both feet obviously). It seems like now days, I can usually tell just by feel if I'm off a little, but pretty much after all the drilling a few years ago, it comes much more naturally.

  3. I probably couldn't break 6:30 for the mile right now. Seriously.

  4. No need to feel disappointed with the mile speed yet. You're on the comeback trail. Give yourself a chance to build up.

    1. Good point, that middle mile was just waaaaay harder than I thought it would be


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