
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Get Your "Feel Good" On!

Man, there's nothing like a great run to get the weekend started right!  Ya know, when you feel like you could run for days, and the pace doesn't feel too unmanageable.  Well, I had one of those days on Saturday ... things just really seemed to click.  The end result was 22 miles at a 7:49 pace.

I woke up really early at 3:45 a.m. because I couldn't sleep.  The first thing I did was check the weather and it was literally 81F & 84% humidity for a "Feels Like" of 87F ... AT FRIGGIN' 3:45 a.m.!!!  So I begrudgingly hopped in my car and drove my course route to leave water-bottles for later.  It actually cooled off a little before I began running to 80F & 81% humidity, so that was nice.  My clothes were saturated by the second mile.

I tried to start slow and keep my pace very manageable since I was losing fluids at a rapid rate.  The couple of miles were over 9:00, but I started feeling pretty good, so I picked it up a little.  I ended up running 18 of the miles at 7:35, and miles 17-20 at 7:17, before dialing it down for two final recovery miles.  The end result was 22 miles in 2:54:06 for a 7:49 average overall pace. Really good run considering the conditions.

Michael snapped this picture of me post run and you can tell I still felt pretty good, although most of the fluids were missing out of my body.  I know I post a lot of pics of "lil ol' me", but bear with me.  While yes, I am pretty self-absorbed, ha ... I actually use them for reference later on.  I can usually tell by my running form and my physical appearance if I'm in good shape or not, and compare it to times and photos later.  I'm in pretty good shape right now.  Have a great weekend!
... Be Great Today!


  1. There's always this weird thing in the summer when it's hotter earlier in the morning. That humidity is killer! Around 8 or 8:30 is the coolest time of day here, but I'm done with my run by then.

    1. Yeah, Michael and I were just talking about that, it actually DOES get a little cooler after daybreak

  2. Those runs are just golden. If only every run could feel that good - minus the heat and humidity of course.

  3. Ufff, I had the opposite experience this morning :(

    1. Hang in there - the good days are what keep us coming back

  4. Huge Congrats On The Johnny Pick Up!!! Next Stop, Playoffs.

    1. Yeah, that was big for us Padre - we got Ben Zobrist too, they are definitely all in this year!

  5. I can't wait to do a run like that again. Patience for me at the moment but I miss running and feeling like that so much.

    1. Yeah, I've been following it Johann, just not commenting - it has to be frustrating, but hang in there!

  6. Just came across your site. Really love what I've read so far, keep it up! I'll bookmark it for future reading!


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