
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Tempo Thursday: 6mi@6:26 pace

Yes, I know it's Wednesday, but I did my "Tempo Thursday" workout this morning, instead of waiting until tomorrow.  Usually the week after a race, even a 5K like I ran on Saturday, I will only do one up-tempo workout, as opposed to two.  And I'll usually complete the single workout on Wednesday.  So today was that day.

I've been gradually getting back into better running shape and today's run was a very positive step in the right direction.  I ran 10 miles total, with 6 of them at a 6:26/pace.  It' wasn't "easy", but I was nowhere near a max-effort, and I probably could have tacked on a couple more at that pace if necessary.  Here's how the pacing went ...

8:42   7:59   7:04   6:48   6:25   6:29   6:32   6:19   8:03   8:30

For the first time in a while, I'm starting to feel "powerful" again when I run.  Like I can control the pace and ramp it up or down when needed ... as opposed to the run controlling me.  Most of that has to do with the increased mileage and ancillary hip and glute strength work I've been completing over the past couple of months.  Also, I ran another 4 miles in the grass Wednesday evening.  The double workouts, especially when I run in the grass or a trail, are really helping too.  They are really tough on most days, because the last thing I want to do after a long day at work is somehow summon the energy for another run.  But I think it really increases my mental and physical "toughness" to an extent.

So that was my Wednesday - just a really positive run!  Yes ... that's my new "Tempo Thursday" logo.  And yes ... I DO post more pictures of myself than a teenage girl.  But I love that picture because it's a cool shot ... and because let's face it ... this 46 year old man looks good in it!  Ha, just kidding ... sort of.   Hope your training's going well too.  Have a great week!
... Be Great Today!


  1. Its great to see that you are on way to getting stronger and faster! I really think your attention to the importance of total body strengthening/conditioning is assisting you in this area!
    : )

  2. Great tempo! Especially in this heat! How early do you run your tempos/ what were temps? I'm just curious how other runners are surviving harder workouts because even my easy runs in this heat are killing me.

    1. I usually start running a little before 5 a.m. Tia. The temps usually aren't too bad then, but the downside is the humidity has been between 90-100% for most of the summer, so it feels like you're running under water.

  3. I'm just grateful that you don't do the 'duck face'pout in your millions of selfies. Small mercies.


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