
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Where My Girls At

In a world of inactive adults, and unfortunately obese children, it's awesome when I encounter active young people.  Today during my recovery run, I crossed paths with the Lee's Summit North High School Girls Cross Country Team.  And one of the runners was our friend Allison, author of the awesome blog Dailey Runs.   Allison and Michael have met up at a couple of races, including the Phoenix Marathon earlier this year.  I've really only said "hi" a couple of times to Allison ... so I guess I'm actually not really a friend, ha.  It was great to see the girls out on such a tough morning to run (80 degrees and 92% humidity), and hopefully they have a great Cross Country season!

As the father and grandfather of a daughter and her baby girl, I'm a huge believer that being active is so important for young women.  I've seen first hand how it develops confidence and self-esteem in young ladies, as well as the obvious physical benefits.  My daughter, Madison, was involved with dance and ballet at a young age, and then got into cheer leading. It was amazing to watch her turn from a shy little girl, into a wonderful strong woman of leadership, and I have no doubt that being active at a young age was one of the reasons why.

Childhood obesity and encouraging young girls to be active are two issues that are very important to Michael and me.  Hopefully the girls I saw running this morning will become role models for other young ladies at their school.  I know it made my day!
... Be Great Today!


  1. Most often soft drinks are the culprit at a young age - especially in economically underprivileged communities. As an RD, it is so rewarding to see how the basics involving nutrition counseling help teens set goals and regain their self-esteem

  2. I did a track workout tonight and the Elementry schools track club was there. It was so cool to see young children practice not only relay events but track events such as javelin, long jump and such. (It wasn't so cool being lapped by a 10 yr old.....)
    I am hopeful my own children will remain active throughout thier childhood and teen years and continue a healthy lifestyle I to adulthood.
    Encouring activity and obesity are important issues In our home as well as Obesity runs strong on both my family and my husbands )so my kids are already geneticslly predispositioned...
    : /)
    But what is in thier favor is having knowledgable parents who set examples and teach nutrition from an athletic standpoint. Food = fuel.
    Good fuel ( healthy foods)= more energy to play well, bad fuel (junk food)= less energy to play well.
    Junk food is ok in moderation but not every day. Hoping this tactic pays off!

  3. I think that being active is vital for all children. My boys were always involved with sport and it helped with their physical and social development. Even now when they're adults I encourage them to be fit. My middle son suffers with depression and anxiety and when he exercises he always copes better.

  4. First off, I am such a bad friend for never seeing this! But secondly, I really do credit sports to building myconfidence level and the person I am today. Cross country is going great so far- however I'm super excited to start running my longer distances. The 5k does nothing for me :)


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