
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Passed 20,000 Miles This Week

I passed 20,000 miles this week.  At least miles I've tracked anyway.  I didn't start actively tracking miles until 2002 when I was training for a 5K, but since then, I'm at about 20,050 miles ran.  And I feel great!
Left, running my first half-marathon in 2008 ... about 205 lbs and wearing really baggy clothes.
Right, running today at about 173 ... stronger and healthier than ever, but the shorts are getting a little short there pal!

Usually, when someone finds out I'm a runner, the first thing they'll say is they used to run.  The second things they'll say is they "can't" run now because it bothers their knees.  And while it's true that running can create quite a bit of wear and tear on the body ... it's completely possible to do it without getting injured.  At least it has been for me anyway.  I'll be 47 years old and I've never felt stronger or in better shape.

The key for me over all the miles is supplemental workouts, stretching, and really really really listening to my body.  Have I had any injuries.  Sure, a couple.  I had an IT Band flare up in 2010 that forced me to walk the last 6 miles of a marathon.  My right groin was chronically tight and cranky for about 3 years.  Last Spring, a bout with hip bursitis was probably the most painful thing I've dealt with.  But for the most part, I've been extremely healthy!

So after getting married, graduating and marrying off two kids, experiencing the birth of three grand kids with another on the way, two jobs, two dogs, countless shoes, the Kansas City Royals actually playing in - and almost winning the World Series, a whole lot of early morning workouts, 31 marathons and a ton of other races ... I'm retiring.  Psych ... actually I'm just getting started, Here's to the next 20,000!!!
... Be Great Today!


  1. Happy 20k!!!!!!
    Just keep on rocking and rolling along!
    : )

  2. You look ten years younger in the second picture. Shows exactly what running can do for you. And as for those short shorts pretty sure you have more female followers than men so I'd keep wearing them. You want to keep your target demographic happy, don't you?!

    1. Ha ... I better keep to a target audience of one in this house Char!

  3. 20,000?!!??! Mr Jim, I believe YOUR key to success was simply GETTING OUTSIDE. Its been my pleasure of following along the last 2,000 miles & heres to another 10,000 before 50. Cheers

    1. Thanks Padre! I always appreciate your kind words!!!

    2. I really appreciate how you are able to capture true feelings in words and how you see your visions during your journey. Like how you told the story of running into the stadium and the by the way moment of sprinting that 5K. That post was a 5K race recap but the experience you told brought interest to me to continue reading on. You give us hope, your love for your wife is magical, and I thank YOU for being you. Stay Strong, Run Free, And Go KC Royals!!!

    3. Thanks man, I really appreciate that - you're a good dude! And GO ROYALS!!! (Sorry Shields wasn't better for you guys this year)

  4. Since you've been running uninjured and fast for more years than I've been alive, I guess I should take your workout advice.

  5. Booyah!! That is amazing, Jim! To many more!

  6. Keep it up! Congrats on the milestone.


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