
Saturday, December 12, 2015

I Am The Fire

Really good run on Saturday, especially considering how my legs felt

Been hitting the leg strengthening workouts pretty heavy lately, and the speed skaters on Thursday left my Gluteus Medius' with a severe case of DOMS ... almost sore to touch

Legs, especially hips felt incredibly weak and heavy for the run

In spite of the leg pain, the 15 mile run went really well, here are the splits:

8:30, 8:15, 7:29, 7:11, 7:28, 7:33, 6:54, 6:50, 6:45, 7:22, 6:52, 6:50, 6:54, 8:27, 8:49

I'm nowhere near where I need to be, but I'm starting to get a little "swagger" back.  Besides being a little overweight right now, the biggest challenge has been this cold that I've had since November 25th ... it literally just grinds on me and wears me down, I just don't feel like doing anything most of the time, so workouts have obviously been a challenge, but in spite of that, I've basically been killing my workouts!!!

iPod Today: "I Am The Fire" - Halestorm
"I am the fire, I am burning brighter,
Roaring like a storm, and I am the one I've been waiting for"
... Be Great Today!


  1. Dude, you've been in beast mode in regards to regaining your fitness!
    Keep at it!!!
    And see a dr about your cold. It could be walking pneumonia-or it could be just a cold.....
    : )

  2. I can't even get under 8 min miles, so - run some for me!

  3. I was wondering if that was going to be a Game of Thrones reference. Glad to hear you are getting some swagger back!

  4. A cold that lasts that long is enough to take the sting out of your fitness. Hope you're feeling better soon.


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