
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Our Masterpiece Is Complete

Weatherly home gym
Last winter we started cleaning out the unfinished portion of our basement, and turned it into a home gym.  And with arrival of the last 45 lb dumbbell today, it's finally finished ... and we couldn't be happier with how it turned out!  I tried to spruce it up a little by adding some paint here and there, and actually installing some trim on the wood panel wall, which Michael laughed at me for ... but I think she would agree that it's probably our favorite room in the house, and we use it daily.  We use it so much that we've canceled our membership to our local gym, which will save us about $400 per  year!  I can't tell you how nice it is to have almost everything a professional gym has, right in our basement.  It's so convenient!

So feel free to come over and work out.  Just know in advance that there's a $25 daily drop-in fee ... I gotta start getting some of my money back somewhere, lol.

Be the fire.


  1. I'm so jelly.....
    When ever I get the extra space I'm so gonna build a home gym!!!!
    My 12x14 treadmill/ weights area just isn't enough....
    I would so drop over your house to workout!

  2. You don't have enough medals.
    I have a home gym. Saves tons of time too.

  3. That is nice! My home gym is a set of weights and an old yoga mat.

  4. Wow! Looks way better than having dumbbells strewn all over the living room.

  5. Which way to the raquetball court? And what about the steam room? I wouldn't pay more than $20/day for that lousy gym.

  6. I actually feel like I am in better shape just looking at it! Nice!

  7. Great investment. I tease my husband that if he's buy me an Endless Pool, I'd cancel our Y membership, too.

  8. Now if only I could install a pool in our basement then my home gym would be complete too. :)


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