
Saturday, February 20, 2016

No Race For Me

I trained all winter and got myself into pretty good shape for the Phoenix Half Marathon next weekend.  Based on a lot of my training times and the perfect PR course in Arizona, I would have been close to personal best.  But I got sick 16 days ago and as I write this can't hear out of a clogged right ear and still feel like crap.  I usually don't skip runs when I'm sick, but this one wiped me out completely and I've only ran three times over the last 16 days for a total of 17 miles.  And other than that, I've not worked out at all.  Plus, I think I've gained about 7-8 pounds, which is awesome ... sarcasm.

So as of now, it looks I'll just be "jogging" the race ... which pissed me off more than you can imagine.  I don't pay the money and train my ass off just to jog a stupid race in the middle of nowhere just to bring home some stupid piece of crap medal.  I don't need any more medals.  Except for a marathon, I have NO INTEREST in running races unless I can win my age group or PR.  I mean, crap, I practically run  a half-marathon every weekend of my life anyway.

So I'm pretty upset about it obviously. Oh well, there'll be other races.


  1. Oh, that sucks. Early spring/late winter is such a risky time for races, with all the illnesses making rounds. I've been sick for multiple RnR New Orleans marathons, which are late Feb- early March. I just can't stay well. This is tough for you, because you were logging some really fast workouts and long runs! Get well soon and run another PR course soon.

  2. That sucks. I do love that you know why you run races! I'm sorry this one isn't playing out how you want it to. As you said, there WILL be other races! Feel better soon. And yeah what ever this crap is going around is really horrendous.

  3. I'm so sorry Jim. I had a cold a couple years ago that clogged my ears for weeks. People who are determined with their training have a hard time stepping away to get better. In the long run it's really what's best though! if you were in that good of shape before getting sick it won't be hard to get back there anytime soon. Sorry you missed your race window though.

  4. That'a a bummer. Colds usually have shitty timing. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  5. Hang in there him! I've been sick with a bad cold/ bronchitis that has left me down for the count for 14 days now. Just now feeling better but a nasty stomach bug is going around our house!!!!!
    You just focus on getting better. There will be plenty of other races coming up plenty of opportunity to get faster and have dome great races!!!!

  6. Oh, that kinda sucks. OK, it really sucks, training so hard and then getting sick right before a goal race. But look at it this way: Arizona! In the spring! When the desert is in bloom! That's something to look forward to, eh? Jog or run your race lightly and then head out to the desert trails with your wife and soak up some of the heat, some of the goodness. Your PR will wait. But this is your life, you know? (But then again, I could be totally wrong because I'm one of those runners who doesn't much like to race and isn't that concerned with time and simply runs for the pure joy of running, kind of like a rat running on a wheel, lol). Take care, get better and drink a lot of OJ.

  7. I really like Traditional Medicinals Echinacea Tea. That and my Sinugator really helps ward off and shorten colds. Feel Better!

  8. So sorry to read your misfortune, are you back on track now? Hope things came back together again.

  9. Yo Man, Its Spring, Its Baseball Season, & Its Time Live Life!! Been thinking about you and hope your in a much better place these days. Hope the burn season hasn't destroyed your cardiovascular system.

    Stay Strong & Go Padres


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