
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Came To Drop Bombs

Really good Tempo Tuesday workout .... okay, "dropping bombs" in reference to  my speed is a little hyperbolas, but it's getting closer to where I want to be!

I'm running double's (morning and night) for every run this week, so by design, my legs were a little tired when I started the 9 mile workout.  I planned on running 1.5 for warm up, and then 6 at tempo, and then another 1.5 as cool down.  Here are the tempo mile splits:

6:49, 6:39, 6:37, 6:32, 6:20, 6:09

I'm not quite fast enough to maintain very many miles at sub 6:20 right now, but I really want to start intensifying the leg turnover a little, so I kinda pushed it the last couple of miles.

After the run, I added a leg strengthening workout.  Back in the good ol' days, I could knock out all six of these splits, sub 6:30 without much trouble ... but it's taking me a while to get back to that speed.  But it's good for now!

Be great today.

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