Sunday, July 10, 2011

Good Smooth Marathon

I ran the beautiful Missoula Marathon on Sunday and had a great time!  I really felt nice and smooth and on cruise control for most of the race.  And the 45 degree/no humidity/no wind starting conditions were a nice change from what I've been running in in Kansas City.  My finish time ...


I think that's a 7:44/pace, but I haven't figured it for sure.  My marathon finishes are starting to sound like broken records 'cause they're all within a few seconds of each other.  But the encouraging thing about this marathon was how I felt.  I went into it without a pace plan and literally looked at my watch at about mile 16 and thought I might have a chance to PR.  I didn't!  But it really didn't matter - I was just happy to run feeling as good as I did.  I'll give you a full report in a few days ... have a great week! great today!


  1. Ahh Jim, not only are you a genius you are an amazing runner!

  2. You are AWESOME! I only hope to be half as comfortable as you when I get to mile 16 in October. You inspire me.

  3. Congrats! Yes 7:44 pace...this is my PR within a few seconds and I remember the 7:44 pace. :)

  4. Yet another one nicely done! Congrats! Glad you enjoyed it,

  5. Great run Jim! Way to check another one off!

  6. Nothing mundane here--every marathon is amazing to me. You just keep plugging along!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Very impressed with how you run those long distances seemingly so easily. Congrats on another good marathon.

  9. Congrats on another marathon finish!

  10. Way to go!!!!

    I don't think I've ever described any race as "smooth." I'm super jealous. :)

  11. Awesome time! It is great that you felt so good. Bigger (faster) things to come for sure.

  12. Congrats! No greater feeling than crossing that finish line =)

    Looking forward to the race report.

  13. Well done Jimson. Was it beautiful?

  14. Great job Jim! Feeling good trumps any time goal in my book.

    This is time range I would like to shoot for in my fall marathon. Would you mind sharing your splits when you get around to it?

  15. you are a machine! Might as well chalk up that time every time!

  16. I have a lot to learn from you, Jim! Congratulations! How close are you to your 50 now?

  17. Great job! I would have said hi to you if I had seen you there! I ran the half.

  18. Very solid. I'd be way happy with that, but I'm also waaaaaaay older than you. So you ran in MT? Smart.

    Check out my latest post where I answered your question and made a statement regarding my upcoming races.

  19. Great job! Sometimes just being out running and feeling good is all you need. I think your time is WAY stellar.

  20. Congrats on another fast marathon. You were great that day.

  21. Thank you everyone - your comments are so encouraging!

    Coy - it was just as advertised! Awesome!

    Rachelle - I'll post the splits in a couple of days

    Terzah - I've only got 12 so far ... slowly but surely!

  22. nice and smooth...not the usual words we see in a RR for a marathon!! only you Jim!!
    congrats on a really great time.
    45 degree and no humidity..I want that here! now!!!

  23. Congrats! Nice and smooth is great for any race. Missoula is supposed to be beautiful (I've driven through but it was dark). My hubby is from that area of the US so I'm sure I'll see it someday.

  24. Congrats on running a very fast 12th marathon! And to feel great while running a marathon - that's the best!


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