
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Gratitude Today & Everyday

In spite of a laundry list of personal failures and short comings, I have been blessed with so much and am so grateful as we observe Thanksgiving in the United States today.  I have the most wonderful wife, children, and grandson ever (soon there will be another grandchild from my daughter Madison, but we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet).  Like every family we have our struggles, but I love them all deeply and am so unbelievably fortunate.  I'm also thankful for the unbelievably great health I've had over the past 365 days.  In my 44th year, I'm not sure I ever felt better.  It really makes all the training and running much more enjoyable.

Me, a Puritan Turkey, and Michael at the 2013 Ward Parkway Thanksgiving 5K
Michael and I are so grateful for all that we've been given, and we try to give back in many ways, but could never truly begin to repay all of our good fortune and blessings.  I don't take one day of it for granted.  May you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving as you count your blessing as well, no matter how big or small.
... be great today!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! We are all very blessed indeed.

  2. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. Health is a true blessing for sure.

  3. I feel being thankful is a sign of contentment. I really tried to make it a habit to notice all of my blessings, each day. But there's really something special about being able to share this attitude on Thanksgiving!


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