
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Marathon Medals At The Half-Way Point

I meant to write this post at marathon #25, but I forgot about it until now.  As it turns out, I've ran a total of 27 marathons so far, in 26 different States (I've ran KC twice).  Here are the marathon medals, in order of completion, through the first half of my 50 State goal ...

My favorite medal is from the fourth race I ran ... the 2010 Mississippi Blues Marathon.  To date it's also the coldest race I've ever ran, at about 17 degrees, sleet & snow throughout, with 8-9 degree wind chill.  I don't think I've ever been colder than after that race.  I literally sat in my car and shivered for about two hours trying to warm up.  I play guitar, so anything with a six-string for a medal is awesome!

Anyway, I thought it looked cool to see them all at once like this.  Hopefully the next 25 States are as much fun as the first.  I have a feeling the best is yet to come!
... be great today!


  1. Great collection Jim. Every single one of those were earned!! You are over the halfway hump to your goal!!

  2. Fantastic! I've run in all our provinces...all 9 of them! :)

  3. All good medals - my favorite is probably the Boston and Bi-Low hawaii shoes one.

    Simply insane week of college football - nice job Missouri on the win! I'm glad Manziel lost. That Auburn-Bama game was simply insane - craziest play in college football history (beating Cal-Stanford The Play).

    I think Bama would beat you guys, but I think you will beat Auburn - those guys won on a fluke play vs both Georgia and Bama. If Ohio State loses to Michigan State (very likely could happen), if Missouri wins they are in national title game.

    Stanford has to beat ASU to make Rose Bowl, which won't be easy - ASU is on a roll, especially at home. If either ASU or Stanford only had 1 loss right now, the winner of the game would likely beat out the SEC winner since Stanford and ASU have beaten more teams in the top 25 than anyone in the country. But alas both teams slipped up twice, so we lost our chances. Good luck to Missouri on Saturday!


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