
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Chubby's Gonna Try 10 Miles Today ... And A Funny Grandson Video

I've gained 12 pounds since my last marathon 5 weeks ago.  12!  I told myself this year I wasn't gonna destroy my body during the holidays.  I destroyed my body.  Yes, I'm probably over-reacting a little.  But I can tell you with absolutely no exaggeration ... I've tried running here and there during my hiatus ... and I could barely make three miles.  I'm olny 9 weeks from the Little Rock Marathon!!!  I seriously don't know if I can get myself back in shape in 9 weeks.  So today, I'll try running 10 miles.  If I'm still living afterwards, I'll let you know how it went.

In the meantime, here's a short 2 minute film of my grandson losing his mind on a Christmas limo ride around the Kansas City Country Club Plaza.  It's pretty funny ...

Also, here's my Christmas gift from Michael ... A NEW GARMIN FORERUNNER 910XT!!!  I'm so excited to use it today ... well not really because it involves running.  I'll give you a full review in a few days when this turns into a running blog again.

Oh, and I was interviewed by a writer from Runner's World!  Some of it might turn up in a January article if I make the cut.  I'll let you know.  Hope your training is going better than mine!
... be great today!


  1. That was a funny video... LOL

    I think we all gain a little weight over the holidays. I like to call it a winter coat. Just that little extra to keep me warm :)

    I'll be looking for your article in RW. That is awesome!!!!

  2. You fatty-fat! How can you live with yourself!
    But seriously, it's called racing weight. You get down to a certain weight, then after the race you can gain a little back. So really you probably only gained 3 legit pounds, the rest your body owed you.
    Or you're just a fatty. I don't know.

  3. snort. Well that was stinking adorable.

    And love the Garmin but not the weight gain!

  4. 12 pound in 5 weeks? Holy cow!!! Impressive! Fingers crossed you end up in RW, very cool.

    Hope you survived your 10 mile run to tell the tale.

    Cute video!

  5. That grandson of yours certainly doesn't have any problems with low self-esteem. He's awesome - and he knows it.

  6. Holy cow, those last two videos you posted are hilaious. I can't wait to read the Runners World article. Very cool!

  7. Holy cow, those last two videos you posted are hilaious. I can't wait to read the Runners World article. Very cool!


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