
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Jim & Michael Christmas Rap ... Yes We Are Grandparents

So by now a lot of you have seen this on Facebook, but I thought I'd post here as well.  It's Michael & me performing our 2013 Christmas rap, "Never Act Your Age".  At this point I'm pretty sure we're THE two premier rappers alive today ... or just two nerds with a little too much time on our hands.  It's really short ... but really DOPE!!!  Enjoy.

And here's our actual Christmas card that went out this year featuring Jack, of course.  Yes we really wrapped Jack in Christmas lights with reindeer ears on the front lawn.  No it's not Photoshopped.  C'mon ... I'm a real artist.

May you have a peaceful and joy filled Christmas and holiday season full of love and and time spent with friends and family.  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Jim & Michael!
... be great today!


  1. I actually hadn't seen that yet. You guys make me smile. Being a grandparent is the BEST! Congrats and enjoy your holidays.

  2. Love it! You're pretty cool for being Gram-paw and Gram-maw

  3. Best rap ever!! Ryder and baby girl on the way are very lucky to have such fun grandparents like you!!!

  4. Beautiful!!! My younger brother (44) his wife (same age) adopted a child, said child (my most awesome nephew Jin) is now 3. My brother constantly gets asked if that is his grandchild. He is completely gray so that MAY have something to do with it. I laugh every time he tells me these stories and I remind him he is not too young to be a grandparent. I am glad I run, I have to leave QUICKLY!!!

    Merry Christmas!! Teach me how to wrap a dog in Christmas lights, I'd love to torture ah erh decorate my old fogie, the young ones would be a little more difficult.

    Happy Christmas to y'all!!!

  5. Haha, really awesome! A beautiful, peaceful Christmas to you as well. May 2014 bring wonderful things your way.

  6. Awesome! I bet that was a lot of fun to make! Merry Christmas to you both!

  7. Love it, love it, love it! Merry Christmas.

  8. Hehehe.. I say you two do a fine rap act! Congrats on the second GC on the way :) I am sure she will be just as spoiled!
    Merry Christmas!

  9. Love it! You two have certainly earned "street cred" with this rap. Look out, Eminem!!!! :-)

    Your "homie",
    Susan SRMS

  10. Hysterical! Love it! Enjoy those Grand babies! And Happy New Year!


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