
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Maybe My Best 20 Miler EVER!!!

75F & 85% humidity ... no problem.  Tired legs from one of my best training weeks in a while ... eh, no big deal!  20 miles with 13 at marathon pace ... RAWKFIST!!!  In fact, I think it was my best (definitely my fastest) Long Run of all time on Saturday in Lee's Summit.  It capped a great week of training where I really feel like I grew and got a lot accomplished.  Now all I have to do is make it through my leg massage this afternoon with our friend - but masochist - massage therapist, and week 11 of marathon training will be in the books!  The good news is, I feel really healthy and strong, and like I'm finally getting my "marathon legs" underneath me.  The challenge every year from this point, is not to peak too soon.  I've still got a lot of growth necessary before my race, but I want to approach it slowly, steadily, and pragmatically so as not to burn out three weeks before the big day.

But today's run was a HUGE positive!  Again, I tried to run the first mile a little faster than normal, to get into my race pace a little sooner.  I feel like my body is not warmed up entirely, but it forces me run faster earlier, and not leave potential time on the clock from taking too long to warm up.  Here are the paces ...

7:41,  7:30,  7:19,  7:10,  7:14,  7:06,  7:06,  6:49,  6:53,  6:56,  6:37,  6:49,  6:30,  6:59,  6:59,  6:49,  6:34,  6:34,  7:15,  8:30

The middle 13 miles were at my target average marathon pace of 6:49.  It was encouraging that I managed the pace for 13 miles, because I didn't stop the clock at all - even when stopping to find my water in the bushes.  But it's a bit of an intimidating thought to think that for my 3:00 marathon, I have average that same pace for 13 more miles ... yikes!  That's gonna be a tall order.  Fortunately, I've still 11 weeks until my first stab at it in Idaho.  Here's a wrap up of how my training week went ...

... be great today!


  1. That is indeed an amazing long run, great job! A 13-mile mid-long-run tempo is so tough. What i like, too, is that after the tempo is over and you're doing a 2-mile cool down...your first cool down mile is a 7:15. So if you're racing and exhausted and "hit the wall",you would still be speeding along at a 7:15. Sounds like a very solid marathon is shaping up! With a long run like that. I would almost want to race one sooner, like 5 weeks from now (three more weeks of specific training, two of taper). But then you'd be in the middle of summer, so that would suck.
    Have you tried strides before races? I know it sounds weird before a marathon, but you've mentioned slow starts before (not at all my problem, hehe, I'm far more scared of the slow finish...). Just wondering if that would help.

    1. Thanks for always reading and writing thoughtful responses Grace, I really appreciate it! Yeah, I'm thinking about trying to find a mid summer marathon to use as a measuring stick, but they're sparse in the Midwest. I still have plenty to work on though - I still really need to stretch myself out on distance. Have a great week.

  2. Awesome! I just love it when runs (long ones especially) go great. Have a good weekend.

    1. Hey Allison, thanks, you're right - these runs are so much better than the ones where you fight it the whole time - you have a good weekend too!

  3. What a great week of training! I love that feeling of getting your marathon legs, there's just nothing better. It's definitely going to be a challenge to peak at the right time, but your training looks smart. You're going to kick ass in Idaho!

    1. Thanks Pahla, I hope so - you're right, when you feel like you're in marathon shape, running is just so much more fun, for me anyway!

  4. Nice work Jim. Pretty tough especially with the heat and humidity. You should do a blog entry on what you use to train with: gels, water, hydration, etc. I'd be curious to see what you do to make this all happen. Keep up the good work and the posts. I enjoy reading each one.

    1. Thanks Eddie, that sounds like a great idea for post - maybe it'll be next, thanks for the idea!

  5. Great work! It must be so encouraging to see those results and to meet your goals.

    1. Thanks Char, I've got a lot of work in front of me, but yes, it feels good to hit some of checkpoints.


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