
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Awesome Tempo Run In The Saucony Kinvara 5

Maybe I should move to Iowa.  Actually, if I want to stay married, I probably should chase that thought from my head - because my wife would never go for the cold winters.  But besides the people being some of the genuinely nicest folks I've ever met, I seem to always run really good workouts there.  Today's Tempo Run in Iowa City was no different.  Here are the splits ...

7:27, 6:52, 6:13, 6:05, 6:16, 6:22, 6:11
(3mi cool down 8:05, 7:31, 8:00)

A couple of things about the run ... I've been making a conscious effort to run my first couple of miles faster, and get my heart rate elevated right out of the chute.  I feel this is a better representation of race day conditions, and forces me into my average pace quicker.  Also, I had to stop 3 times during the 6 mile "Tempo stretch".  Twice to fetch water out of the bushes, and once to adjust and retie my new shoes.  Over the course of the summer I hope to run these average paces without stopping, and also for a few more miles. A good peak would be a 6:15 pace for 10-11 miles for a Tempo Run.  But at this point in my training, it was a really good run and something I can build on!

Now to the shoes ... I've always been a Brooks guy, but lately I've started messing around with Sauconys.  And so far ... they're really great.  I bought the Triumph 11 a few weeks ago at Scheel's during a shoe sale to use as a trainer.  They're a little heavier than anything I would race in (my size 12's are almost 13oz), but they're great for days when I'm recovering.  Nice and cushioned.  Plus, even though they're not a flat shoe, I don't seem to have any trouble mid-foot striking in them.

Yesterday, I bought a pair of Kinvara 5's ... and I love them!  I literally took them out of the box this morning and ran a full Tempo Run.  They fit great and also have a ton of cushioning, especially in the mid-foot area, all while still being very very light.   The men's size 9 is 7.6 oz, and my size 12's weigh in at only 8.5oz ... very light for a size 12!  They are also relatively flat, with a 4mm drop from heel to toe, and seem to really comfortably fit my stride.

I won't go into a full review because shoes are so personal and unique to the individual.  But so far I've been very pleased with the Sauconys.  I'll still mix in my Brooks, of course, but it's good to have a few more shoes in the arsenal.  However, if they continue to help me pump out Tempo Runs like this ... they might become my mainstay!  Hope your training is going well!
... be great today!


  1. I switched to Saucony a few years ago and have become a HUGE fan of Kinvaras. I also keep some Triumphs in the rotation but the vast majority of my miles are in Kinvara's because of the light weight. The biggest Kinvara complaint is they breakdown quick which is suppose to be better with the 5. Personally, I found as long as I untie the shoes when taking them off, the outer shell lasts much longer.

    1. Yeah, the guy at the running store said the same thing, but he said he'd already noticed a huge difference in the life of the 5's.

  2. I am like you in that I like Brooks and swear by the Adrenalines for general training / running. However for shorter races I pull out the Saucony Fastwitch. They are a great, light-weight shoe that helps me save a few more seconds on 5Ks. But I rarely use them for training because they don't have much cushioning in them. Give them a go sometime...

    1. I absolutely will Eddie - I'm always looking to go lighter in short races, I've used Brooks for years, but I really like the Saucony's so far

  3. Iowa is downright balmy compared to Minnesota! But shhhh. Don't tell people how wonderful Iowa is. We like to keep it a secret (all corn, too many pigs, people dress in overalls, there are no buildings over 3 stories) so no one will move here!

    I am a big fan of Kinvaras but have also experimented with Sketchers. I just bought a pair of Pure Flows on super sale to add into my rotation as my legs seem to develop weird kinks if I wear the same style of shoe day after day.

    1. I love Iowa Jackie - it's been part off my sales territory for years, and there aren't many places I like more. I've also used Skechers a little over the past few years. I didn't really have problems with them, but just need something a little more "put-together" and not so "flimsy", but the Skechers really seem to making improvements

  4. I'm really loving the Kinvara 5's. I liked the 3's and 4's also, but the 5's I think have just a little more room in the toe box, which in my opinion is a good change.

    1. Yeah Angela, the running store guy said they opened up the toe a little more. It feels good to me, but I don't have the 3 or 4 as comparison

  5. I LOVE the Kinvara, passionately, and it feels amazing. I've raced every PR I have in them (except the 10k) and wish I could sleep in them...but I just pronate too much to sustain long miles in them. I've been in the Brooks PureCadence, but I miss the Kinvara so much.

    1. Haha, why do you wish you could sleep in them? Plus, you're a grown woman, I suppose if you wanna sport running shoes while you sleep, it's your world ... just do it!

  6. That colour! I love it. Wish they'd make cars in that shade of green.

    1. Ha, well as you know I'm kind of a "gray" type of guy, so I'm still ot really comfortable with two safety vests on my feet


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