
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tuesday Speed Work

Really short Speed Workout on tired dead legs this morning in a SWI of 175 & 20mph wind - still got in some decent work ...

Bernard Campbell Jr High Track
1mi warm up .... 8:30
     1mi .... 6:31
     6x800M with 2:00min rest in between...
     2:55, 2:54, 2:47, 2:49. 2:51, 2:51
     1mi .... 6:22
1/2mi cool down .... 8:30

I went to the track with Michael this morning and we were on a pretty tight schedule, so I only go in about 6.5 miles overall.  I'll try to get in another 5 or 6 this evening after work to round out the day.  I really wanted to do 10 full 800 meter repeats, and felt like I could have squeezed out 4 more at that pace, even on dead legs.  So based on that, I'm pretty happy with where my conditioning is right now ... but it's nowhere near where it needs to be for my 3:00 marathon in the Fall.  So, we'll keep grinding.  Have a great week!
... be great today!


  1. Still a great workout, well done! I need to get my butt into gear as well for my planned goals.

  2. I think that looks a lot like a 3:00 marathon. The last fast mile after all that speed sure looks strong to me.

    1. I feel pretty good about my speed right now, but I've got to start stretching the miles out

  3. All I see here is that your 800s are only lightly slower than my 500s. And on dead legs!


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