
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tempo Tuesday: Really Positive Run

With everything going on in our lives recently, I've backed off the unrelenting pressure I usually put on my running and training.  My focus has been primarily on my family, course, but also on staying healthy, getting fit again, and dropping a few pounds that stress ... and not paying attention to my diet, have added.

However, I have tried to maintain some semblance of a running program, and today was a really good Tempo Run for me based on where I'm at right now.  Here are the splits ...

8:28   8:08    6:38    6:26    6:34    6:28    6:38    6:24    6:17    8:24    8:30 (2  mile warm up & cool down)

Right now it looks like our next race will be the Indianapolis Monumental Half-Marathon at the beginning of October.  So maybe if my legs hold up, I lose a little race weight, and I continue running well, I'll have a good race there, but for now, it just feels good to be moving fairly quickly again!
... be great today!


  1. It's good to hear that things are getting back on track with your training. I found recently when the stress was really bad I just couldn't push myself but now it's improved my running is getting a bit better. I hope that this improvement means that your life is slowly getting back to your new normal.

  2. Nice run! I think your body will respond in a good way to the less intense training that your circumstances have brought on.

  3. Good for you. You will probably PR the half.

  4. Nice run. I'm praying for peace for your family.

  5. That's a nice solid tempo in there!!


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