
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Baseball's Over ... Might As Well Run

"We're #1!!!"  Well, actually #2 since we came up a little
short in the World Series ... but I couldn't be more proud
of my hometown team ... the Kansas City Royals
A long, long time ago, before the 2014 Kansas City Royals shocked the world with a record setting postseason magical run, only to fall 90 feet short in Game 7 of the World Series ... there was a 45 year old runner from Lee's Summit ... who actually, ummm ... RAN!

Man, it's been a while since I've posted on the ol' blog.  And almost nearly as long since I went for a run.  I was originally supposed to run the Indy Monumental Half-Marathon this morning, but "life got in the way" as the saying goes.  Most of you know we had a really tough September with the loss of both of Michael's parents.  They lived in New Mexico, so there's been a considerable amount of traveling back and forth to wrap up some estate issues.

As our family healed and slowly tried to get back to normal in October ... remarkably my KANSAS CITY ROYALS made a record setting playoff and World Series run.  Pretty much every non-resident of Oakland, Anaheim, Baltimore, and San Francisco jumped on the Royals Bandwagon. It was almost like we were America's team for a while.  The magic of the 2014 Postseason came just at right time in that somehow it comforted Michael a little, and allowed our family to smile and feel good again.  But as crazy as it sounds ... it was exhausting!  So many late nights.  So much stress, tension, and drama.  And so many post-game victory cheeseburgers! (you can find an explanation of the burgers on my Facebook)  And as a result, my running took a little hiatus.

So the goal now is just to run here and there to start getting back in shape.  I plan on doing quite a bit of cross-training this winter, and hopefully I can build toward a fast first of the year race.  But I don't have anything scheduled yet.  Michael and I are running the Longview Half-Marathon in a couple weeks.  And after the seven miles I struggled through this morning, it might be a challenge.  But it's close to our house, and we get a cool jacket, so hopefully I can power through.  Hope your running's going well!
... be great today!


  1. Thanks to you, I've been mildly aware of baseball's existence this year. So thanks for that anyway. And it was kind of nice to see the Royals in the playoffs.

    1. Thanks for actually still reading my blog Grace, at least I have one reader left - ha

  2. Glad to see you back in action. I was thinking of you as the Royals made their move on the World Series (I am a on White Sox fan). I am definitely looking forward to reading about your training and the races you do. I wouldn't be surprised if the extended break has helped you recover a bit more. You might surprise yourself this spring. Keep writing!

    1. Yeah Eddie, I think my body and mind probably needed the time off ... Go Royals!!!

  3. Royals are awesome!! Glad you are back to running and writing.

    1. Just looked at your profile Kendall, your Wildcats are having a great year too!

  4. I'm just wondering what damage on the scales all those cheeseburgers created. (Not that I can see anything obvious in that pic but a loose shirt can hide a multitude of sins) Just as well the season is now over and lif e can return to normal.

    1. Ha, ummm you probably don't wanna know ... or definitely see the impact of the burgers around the gut. Yes, loose shirts cover a lot. Let's just say I've got some work to do!

  5. Good luck at Longview. I was considering that one . . . until I drove the course! I did pretty well (for my modest skills) at the KS Half in Lawrence today.

    Glad you're back!

    1. Thanks Paul - I train at Longview some here and there, and yes, it's VERY hilly. At this point I'm not even sure I can run 13 miles, but we'll see. Great job at Lawrence, I've heard that's a good one.

  6. I'm normally a Cardinals fan, but once we were knocked was all about the Royals! It was fun sheering on a fellow MidWest team. And even though it sucked to lose, it was such a great run and great series!

    1. Ya know I had a lot of friends who are Cards fans and also cheering for us ... that was really cool! Maybe we'll face off next year!

  7. loved all those cheesburger posts lol! Congrats to the Royals indeed, a great run. The World Series was as exciting as it ever gets.

    1. Long live the 2014 Royals and late night cheeseburgers Nelly!

  8. good to see you back!!!! just enjoy the upcoming race-looking forward to a recap!
    : )

  9. Glad to see you are back. Dont know really anything about sports but awesome for KC. I use to live in Overland Park so I know about the Royals some what. lol. Best wishes getting your fitness back in check.

    1. OP is an awesome area, we live in Lees Summit, but we were all Royals crazy Kenley!


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