
Sunday, November 30, 2014

All About That Base

Bent over a little at the waist because I'm fat and out of shape
with no core support at the 2014 Ward Parkway Thanksgiving 5K
Yes grammar police ... I realize I spelled "base" differently than the hit song "All About That Bass".  And while I certainly appreciate the "bass" Meghan Trainor is singing about (and yes Michael, specifically one "bass"), I'm referring to BASE ... as in this weekend I kicked off BASE building mode for my Spring marathon.  But seriously, I am all about that bass ... wink.

It's been a while since I've trained for a marathon.  Moreover, with all that's happened in our lives this Fall, I've really kind of fallen off the running bandwagon.  So Michael and I scheduled a Spring trip to Phoenix to attend 2015 Baseball Spring Training (actually I'll be going to games and she'll be sunning herself by the pool), and also to run the Phoenix Marathon.  It's supposed to be a really fast marathon in hopefully warm February desert air.

After not running farther than 13 miles in the past 60 days, I was able to throw together a long run of 15 miles on Saturday at a 7:40 average pace.  I'll use that as my current benchmark.  Plus, I'm still among the breathing so it didn't kill me like I thought it might.  It was tough, but I didn't stop the clock for a water stops or  a bathroom break, so I was probably closer to 7:30 overall.  It's definitely something to build on.

More than anything I've just felt unmotivated to run lately, so hopefully focusing on a marathon will light a fire.  Plus, for a little challenge, and to help build  my mileage base back up, I decided to do the Runner's World 36 Days Of Awesome.  Basically you have to run at least a mile everyday between Thanksgiving and New Years Day.  My plan at this point is to run at least five everyday, but I'll probably needed a day off here or there, so I might just do one some days.

I've never ran every single day for an extended period of time.  I know a lot of people do it, but I've always taken at least one day off per week, and two days over the last couple of years.  I just think it's better to give the body a little rest and allow the muscles to heal, especially as we age.  But it will be interesting to find out how hard it is.

I don't have any huge speed goals for the Phoenix Marathon at this point, although in the back of my mind I would like to qualify for Boston again.  But more than anything, I just want to finish and have a good race.  So here's to kicking off marathon training once more and getting back at it. I hope your training's going well - have a great week!  Booty - booty!
... be great today!


  1. That was a good, solid 15 miles for someone who's 'out of shape'. If you're doing that now, you'll be flying along after a few weeks of consistent training.

    1. Thanks Char, it wasn't a bad run, it's just such a grind right now

  2. That's a great start. With a (hopefully) less eventful (stressful events, anyway) next couple of months you'll be back where you started or even better.

    And on another note, your spring training trip sounds very much like any that my husband and I would take. :)

    1. Yeah Kate, any vacation in a warm or beached area results in both of us going different ways with our version of enjoyment

  3. Jut when I was coming at you with a Sharpie, you clarified. Thank goodness. I think you'll BQ or break 3 hours or some crazy nonsense. You seem to bounce back to speed pretty quickly. I will probably still be sleeping in a machine and hugging an ice pack.

    1. Well you're kind, but I think I'll probably be nowhere near that Grace.

  4. It is great to have a nice goal like a marathon to work towards. I try to keep my base and shape in place all year round but life doesn't work that way. All the best with the training.

    1. I definitely try to keep a good base as well Johann, but kinda fell off the wagon there for a while.

  5. I'm streaking as well! I am also used to at least a day off per week, so we will see how it goes. Have a great day!

  6. Hi Jim. I'll be in Phoenix two weeks before you will be. I have penciled in a small marathon outside of town, primarily to knock Arizona off my list. I would've done the RnR or the Phoenix one, but it wasn't going to fit into our plans.

    I did the RW Running Streak last year. It was interesting. Some days I just simply logged a mile (which was the basic requirement). It was fun, but I wouldn't want to do it indefinitely or for years like some people do. There were days were I really needed a rest day or I could feel an injury brewing and I lifelessly dragged myself onto a treadmill and pumped out a mile. Generally, I run 5 - 6 days a week, with no less than 4 miles a day. But I do walk several miles a day as well. I told myself this year I wouldn't do it again, but it is hard for me to turn down a challenge.

    Glad to hear you are training diligently again and am looking forward to hearing your progress.

    1. Yeah we'll see how it goes Eddie - I'm sure my old legs are gonna regret it, ha

  7. sounds like your first long run back was no treble.. uh I mean no trouble at all

    Glad you are back at it

  8. I thought about going to Phoenix to run that race just because it would be warm. If you haven't already registered check out StuftMama - she has a $10 discount for it right now. (STUFT10 is the code I think)
    I found your blog from Char's (My Life's a Marathon) - just reading a few posts do you live around Kansas City? I live in Topeka but in September met a bunch of guys who have or are planning to run a marathon in every state at the Patriot's Run.

  9. Hey Kim - thanks for the tip, but we already signed up because I think it sells out. Yeah, we live in Lees Summit, just SE of KC. I'm in sales and am in Topeka all the time, about every week - it's good to meet you, don't be a stranger!


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