
Sunday, December 7, 2014

"Still In The Murder B'ness"

After a pretty good early 2014, that soon turned disastrous with a lot of personal family tragedy, I was really beginning to wonder if my fastest days were behind me.  Of course running naturally took a backseat during those days. Plus, I'm turning 46 years old next week, and I just don't know how much faster my legs can go.

But let me proudly proclaim here an now ... IN 2015 I WILL KILL IT!  I make no apologies for announcing loud and clear that I plan on making next year the fastest version of me ever.  I WILL murder my 5K time and maybe finally run in the 17's. I WILL slaughter my half-marathon mark in pursuit of my goal of 1:25.  And I truly believe I can PR in February at the Phoenix Marathon.  When I'm finished ... there will be only a trail of previous personal bests lifeless on the ground surrounded by a white chalk outline.  Mark it down.

Why so confident you ask?  Well, for starters I had a great 16 mile run today that I'm still pumped from ten hours later.  I averaged a 7:12 overall pace even with two potty breaks, and multiple water stops, all without stopping the clock in 35 degree damp windy weather.  Plus I ran the middle 13.1 miles at about 1:30, which would have been a pretty decent stand alone half-marathon time.  I just felt so free, and light, and fast again.  It was a huge confidence booster.  Here were the splits ...

8:19   8:29   7:33   8:04   7:04   7:12   7:00   6:44   7:04   6:39   7:07   6:45   6:49   6:37   6:26   7:36

Secondly, I've recommitted myself to overall body strengthening.  I think I run better when I'm strong and healthy from head to toe.  Last year I backed off the upper body workouts and it really seemed to have an adverse affect, even though I thought it would help conserve energy.  I'm going back to my old training habits in 2015.

And thirdly ... because I'm small like this ... one of my blog followers decided to run his mouth about my speed and ability in a recent race and it really motivated me.  I know that's petty and ridiculous of me, and he probably didn't mean anything by it - but the first time I qualified for Boston, I used motivation from one of Michael's coworkers who said I would never qualify because "I ran too many marathons".  I've qualified five more times since and he can shove all six up his ass!  Yes, I'm incredibly insecure and simplistic like that, but sometimes it just takes one little doubting or disparaging comment to get me going.  So thank you sir, I'll think about your ignorant words all Spring.

I have twelve weeks until Phoenix and I plan on getting faster than I've ever been.  I'm recommitted and refocused and WILL make it my best year ever.  Yeah, like everyone I'm getting older, but days like today make me feel like I'm aging backwards.  So bring it 2015 ... nobody's seen the best me yet.
... Be the one!


  1. Oh my gosh. You are hilarious. I think you should share the inflammatory comment for our enjoyment! And I do think you'll kill it in 2015 - this year's change from fast to last (KIDDING) is only because of external events, not running or training. Two funerals back to back are something no one wants to experience, for any reason, least of all for it's impact on your training. Interesting to note the changes you saw with fewer upper body exercises. I need to reevaluate my entire strength routine, so this kind of info is helpful.

    1. It was just some nonsense about taking me several months of training before I could break 20 min on a 5K. Please.

  2. Ah!! Love your attitude here!!! I have the same goals for 2015 and will be cheering you on from the virtual sidelines every step of the way!!
    Looking forward to following your slaughter streak!
    That totally sounded weird but you know what I mean!
    : )

  3. Nice work Jim. Yeah I had some "magical" running moments too this past week. I really think the weather has a lot to do with it. Your mid 30's weather is fairly ideal. We've been blessed with upper 40's / lower 50's, which is unheard of this time of year. Looking forward in seeing what you do come February.

    1. Hey Eddie, thanks - yeah the weather has been decent so far

  4. almost 46 and quoting Iggy Azalea... yep, you've still got it

    there is no motivation like proving somebody wrong. Kill it in 2015!

  5. Fantastic post... with that fire in your belly 2015 will be a dizzy haze of PRs :-)

    1. Well I don't know about that Andy, but I'm planning on a great year!

  6. Ha, awesome stuff! I like it! I am confident that you will achieve all your 2015 goals. You really deserve it. Happy running!

  7. Great run, Jim! With your positive attitude, you really will be able to achieve great things. I have big goals for myself in 2015... We'll see how it goes. You've totally got this!

  8. Take it from one who's well over 46, you can get faster. Just gotta run smarter (recovery is king!). I'm looking forward to following your journey and hoping we both have more stellar performances in 2015. We will! :)


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