
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Apropos Ending I Suppose

2014 was a roller coaster of a year for the Weatherlys.  There were many "peaks" ...

- We added two new grand babies to the family
- My son and his wife got married
- My daughter got her lifelong dream job and became a teacher
- The Royals, my favorite team of all time, made it the frigging World Series
- And I was fortunate enough to set two PR's in the 5K and Half-Marathon
- Just to name a few

But unfortunately, we also experienced the "valleys" of not only the prolonged sickness, but eventual death of both of Michael's parents.  And sadly, this sickness and death greatly overshadowed what would have been an otherwise extraordinary year.

During the endless traveling back and forth to New Mexico to care for my wife's parents, I lost a considerable amount of fitness and had to drop out of several races.  But recently, with the good news of Michael's health, I was somewhat rejuvenated and had been training as strong as ever.  In fact, I was looking forward to running a strong half-marathon two days after Christmas in Springfield, MO to test out my reinvigorated legs.

But as I mentioned in my last post, I got sick with a stomach bug on Saturday night, and as I sit here on Tuesday afternoon writing this post ... I still have it.  I went to the doctor today and he told me that this is an unusually bad strain of the stomach bug going around, and that it lasts 4-5 days.  And I can tell you, I've experienced the worst nausea of my life since Saturday with this bug.  It's literally the sickest and worst I've ever felt. I'm weak.  I'm severely dehydrated.  And I've lost about 9 pounds now.  They were going to give me an I.V. of fluids today, but didn't have anyone working who was qualified to stick me with the needle?  Seemed odd.  He did give me some medicine for the nausea, which has helped a little.  But I'm just ready for this to be over.

So what does this mean?  In the grand scheme of things ... it's no big deal. I have been blessed beyond measure and would never begin to take anything in my wonderful life for granted.  There are so many folks hurting in the world, and my little bout with the stomach bug isn't a "tragedy".  But I will basically be dropping out of yet another race this weekend ... a somewhat fitting end to an extremely disappointing year of running.  But worst of all, I won't get to see my family on Christmas day because I don't want to get any of them sick.  That will suck more than anything!

I'm just hoping for two things at this point ... one, that this doesn't affect my marathon training too greatly.  I don't think it should, but it will just depend on how much strength I've lost.  And two, and most importantly ... I don't want my poor wife to end up with this stuff.  It's the worst.

So  here's to flipping over the last day on the calendar as soon as possible.  2014 cannot end quickly enough.  I don't have the strength to be pissed about it right now, but I soon will.  And hopefully, I'll use it as motivation to do everything in my power to DOMINATE in 2015.  (As much as an only slightly above average speed 46 year old can "dominate", that is).
... be great today!


  1. Man, that stinks. :( You're right, compared to all the tragedy in the world being sick and missing a(nother) race isn't the end of the world, but it's still disappointing. And I feel your pain on missing Christmas. A couple years ago I was so sick that I had to skip out on the family Thanksgiving. It was a bummer to be home sick in bed when everyone else was celebrating, but I felt too bad to be there anyway,and no one else got sick from me. Here's to a GREAT 2015!

    1. Yeah, missing Christmas with my family is the worst Kate, you have a great 2015 too

  2. Have a great holiday and great New Year!

  3. I hope you feel better Jim. I guess there is no Weatherly YouTube Christmas video this year? I had a good laugh on that one when I saw it.

    Anyhow, I hope you spend some time thinking about how great of a year you had. You accomplished a lot and from the sounds of it, you got yourself to a huge peak in terms of training / physical conditioning.

    Have a Merry Christmas, get well, and train hard in 2015.

    1. Thanks Eddie, my problem is that I'm never satisfied, no matter how good the year in running. You're right, there were some high points, but I just had loftier goals. Here's to a better 2015, Merry Christmas to you too!

  4. Oh, man. I am so sorry you'll be missing out on family visits this Christmas! How sad. I know your family is upset, too.
    I can recommend Pedialyte (yes, the kids' stuff) for rehydration - drink 150 ml per kg body weight per day until symptoms resolve. Should take care of you. You can get the "Advanced Care" and it also has probiotics, to replace lost/killed normal flora. Good luck, and get well.

    1. Thanks Grace, I think the worst is behind me, and like you suggested, now I'm focusing on rehydration.

  5. I sure hope you feel better soon! Merry Christmas to you and your family, and here's to a happy and healthy New Year!

  6. I'm so sorry that you've got to miss your race but even sorrier that you miss your family Christmas. That really sucks! I hope you're feeling so much better soon.

    1. Thanks Char - I'm feeling pretty good, although it was a tough day without the kiddos around.


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