
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Plus ... I Just Washed My Phone

Falling right in line with my seemingly unending streak of end-of-the-year bad luck, I forgot to remove my iPhone from my pants pocket before hurriedly tossing them in the washer Christmas evening.  And since cell phones actually don't need any water at all to operate properly, in fact they seem to prefer 100% dry conditions ... I now have no phone.  Perfect.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of the iPhone.  Among other things, they don't seem to be very amphibious, unlike some of their moisture resistant competitive counterparts.  But it's furnished by my company, so hey, free phone.  And while I'm sure I'll have to pay for the replacement, which is fine, it was my own doing so it's fair, the bigger issue is that I desperately need my phone to do my job.  And with my company's high level of security ... ya know, because of all the world-wide hacker attempts to concrete chemical secret formulas ...  I can't just walk into Verizon and buy a new one.  Our computer guys have to set it up.  So my apologies in advance to all the people I was playing in Words With Friends and Trivia Crack.  This is the reason for my sudden exit, although you were probably beating me anyway.

So while in a vacuum, a drowned phone on Christmas Day while missing your family because you can't see them because you're still infected from a week long stomach virus is minimal, it's just one more straw on this camel's back.  But check it out 2014 ... I can see your finish line from here.  You've only got 5 more days and then you're done!!!  And at 12:00 am, January 1 ... it's game on.  It can't get here soon enough.
... be great today!


  1. Ugh. The worst. That whole when-it-rains-it-pours thing is real. I have a company iphone, too, and I treat that thing like its a small child, I'm so worried about messing it up! But I kind of love it. It replaced a terrible cheap slide phone with the Android operating system and it's just so much faster for what I need it for.
    I imagine you'll be doing the most celebrating of anyone for New Year's. You're turning the corner in a week. Things will have to look up!
    P.s. I'm offended that you don't know what smoking shoes are. Your wife needs to buy you a style dictionary STAT. I mean, how do you compliment her appropriately if you don't know the terminology? It gives it so much more meaning. Example -
    BAD compliment: "That dress is hot."
    GOOD compliment: "You do justice to that iconic classic, the Dianne Von Furstenberg wrap dress."
    See what I mean?

    1. Ha, why would anyone ever "NEED" a style dictionary? I DO know that couture is a specially designed dress (I think), and one time I surprised Michael with, "Nice dress, is it a Vera Wang?" I have no idea who or what that is, but it made me sound somewhat fashionable ... at least according to something I heard in a TV ad or something.

  2. When you're back with the rest of in the 21st century, let me know. I'd love to have a chance to thrash you in Words with Friends.

    1. Ha, challenge accepted! But no fair using "down under" words that the rest of us have no earthly idea what they mean

  3. Bummer on the phone Jim. I don't like to keep mine in my pocket. I have seen enough speculative assumptions at this point to worry about the radiation coming off of them.

    I had a similar accident yesterday. I was getting in my long run and slipped on a section of ice. I knew there was ice there too, which is the dumb thing. Either way, I fell shoulder first and my hand, which was holding my phone, slammed into the ground and cracked the screen. Luckily, my phone is ancient and due for an upgrade, but still, frustrating. It did survive the fall as well.

    Happy New Year.

    1. Awe that sucks Eddie, I hope you didn't mess up your shoulder - that's exactly how I hurt mine a couple of years ago in a trail race, although I wasn't carrying a phone

  4. lol on washing your phone! At least you get a free one!

  5. And thanks for the comment on my 10K race, and the debate with Michael about whether Andrea was a gf or not haha =)


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