
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Cool App For Runners

I'm not the world's biggest gadget guy, and technology seems to be quickly passing me by, but for a 46 years old grandfather of three, I still keep up ... at least for now.  And today I found a pretty cool free Smartphone app geared toward runners.  It's called Runner's Ally Pace Calculator.  It's similar to the Cool Running online pace calculator that many of us have used for years, except for your phone.

Many times for a race, I'll have a specific finishing time in mind, but I'll be unsure of what overall pace I need to average to accomplish that goal.  With this app, you simply enter some basic info like race distance and target finishing time, and it calculates the overall average pace for you.

But, what I really like about the app is it also provides quite a bit of peripheral information like how fast you should train to accomplish the goal, and target finishing times for other race distances at this speed.  For example, my goal this year is a sub 1:25 Half-Marathon, so I entered 1:24:30.  Based on this targeted finishing time, the app projects that at the same fitness level I should be able to run a 5:08 mile, 18:23 5K, 38:20 10K, and 2:56 Marathon.  All of those times seem about right, although the marathon time might be a little fast.

Of course the information projected by the app is not an exact science, and all of us train a bit differently.  But it's a nice tool to use as a guideline, or at least a check point for other races, while training for a big time goal, and I thought it was pretty cool!


  1. Totally going to check this out - thanks!!

  2. Judging by the values for the peripheral information you mention, they are straight up from Jack Daniels' famous VDOT tables.

    Semi-related to apps, do you happen to be a strava user? It's very similar to garmin connect, except showing your data better (imo), and having a more active runner community, which is fun for motivation...

    1. I think I've checked it out before Svilen, but I'll look into it again - I'm not "super-thrilled" with the Garmin program, but I live with it

  3. I've been using this app for a few years and I love it. I agree about the marathon pace. It's a little faster than even the McMillan calculator (which I prefer but doesn't have an app) but it is close enough. I use training calculators all the time!

    1. I do too Tia, the only thing I don't like is having to build in my extremely slow start and figure out the average pace from there

  4. Very cool! Since I suck at running (its my worst leg of the triathlon) maybe this can help me!

  5. I'm definitely going to get this. Thanks Jim!

  6. turns out I actually already had this app on my phone, I might try to actually use it lol

    1. Ha, I have tons of apps on (my old) phone I needed to delete

  7. Thanks for the info. Will be checking it out ASAP as training for my 2015 started 4 days ago
    : )

  8. Sounds like it's basically the McMillan calculator for your phone - like it. I presume this post means that you got a new phone?

    1. Ha, yeah I got a new one. Still waiting to see if my company sticks me with the $500 replacement bill.

  9. My problem is I start using the new tools and gadgets but still keep using the old ones as well. I end up logging my runs in 50 different places...:)

    Have a super 2015 Jim!

    1. Hey thanks Johann, you too! I do exactly the same thing, in addition to my Garmin info, I have several spreadsheets and also handwritten notes, ha.

  10. I like the idea of it giving training paces. I'll definitely be looking into that one.


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