
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tip Of The Iceberg

I'm not sure how committed to this idea I am, but in late November I told Michael that I was going to try to complete every run outside this winter.  I set this goal for two reasons ... one, I wanted to test my "toughness".  Yes, at 46 years of age I still challenge myself with little tests of mental and physical "toughness" to stay sharp and motivated.  And two, I wanted to avoid the treadmill. Not just because I don't enjoy it ... I mean besides EMZ, who. freaking. does!  But mainly because I think treadmills don't simulate running workouts nearly as much as we think they do.  For a road runner/racer, in my opinion there's nothing better than the actual road.

But the problem with setting such a lofty and frigid goal, is that I committed to it in November when the temperature was in the 50's.  It's not really tough to make winter-time promises in late Fall.  And this morning I really questioned what in the world I had done with such a crazy target.  It was 5F degrees, with a 10mph breeze, for a "RealFeel" of -10F in Iowa City.  And tomorrow is supposed to be a little windier, with a lower "RealFeel".  Hmmm.

The good news is I got through my 10.5 mile run this morning in spite of the polar conditions.  However, I know it's most likely just the beginning of a long, cold Midwestern Winter.  So we'll see how long I actually stick to my goal.  It's not the end of the world if I have to go inside, but I'd rather not!  Hope your training is going well!


  1. One run down. Only how many more dozen until the weather is warmer? I guess it's best not to think too far ahead.

  2. I run outside on weekends all winter. But after work when it is dark I hit the gym. The dark and the cold are too much for me. Good luck.

  3. You get more and more used to the 'feels like' temps in the negatives. The wind is usually what cuts my runs short. Keep on braving it and add a layer!

  4. Good luck. I am gymless right now, in order to save a few bucks, so if I can't run outside, I don't run. Luckily I live near a bike trail that they plow pretty regularly. I was out running in 19F weather yesterday with 15 - 20 mph head winds. I survived. My limit is about 10F though -- all depends upon what the wind is doing though.

    I hate treadmills too.

  5. EMZ is my favorite. She ran 30 miles yesterday, 13 "recovery" miles today and earlier this week she ran a 26 miler, I think. I assume you're aware of her posts on Instagram under her name @runemz. Are you on IG? There's a huge, growing running community. All very supportive. She alone has 10K+ followers.

    I prefer outdoor running but I have to say that the Treadmill can be a very useful tool for every runner. Professional runners use it. The softer surface is good for the legs/knees/feet, especially for recovery runs or easy paced runs (every regiment should include these weekly). And having monitored my HR for a long time, the Mill gets the HR way up just like the outdoors if you kick up the incline. The mental challenge also counts for something, I feel. I live in a very cold wintery climate - I refuse to run in sub 20 temps with 20+mph winds and iced over roads. Just not safe. This is where the Mill becomes a weapon for me as I aim for higher mileage weeks. Just my 2 cents! Don't put pressure on yourself if it's too damn cold out, just hop on the Mill.


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