
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Working Around Work

Many of you know I'm a sales rep for a national construction chemicals company.  Most of our products are used with concrete, but some are asphalt based and used in  paving.  So I'm on a lot of construction sites inspecting the installation of our products, as well as lending technical support on a daily basis.

Many mornings I have to be at a job site pretty early.  And some times the project is nowhere near my home, like this morning.  I had to be at Kansas State University very  early, which is about two hours from my house.  This meant I had to be out of bed by 3 a.m.  Packed for a trip to Omaha, NE by 3:30 a.m.  Out the door for a quick Speed Workout by 4:00 am.  And on the road headed to Manhattan, KS by 6:00 a.m. ... but not before I dropped off Jack at the kennel.

I'm an early riser, but getting up at 3:00 a.m. sucks.  But at least I got to go to bed at 7:30 a.m. last night since Michael was out of town.  I was awesome!  There was no badgering from the person the  next spot in the bed over, about living the lifestyle of an old man ... or the bright light of a Kindle in my face as I attempted to drift into slumber.  Nope ... just me, Jack, the fan, and several Z's.

And even though I had a little trouble getting my legs to turn over that early in the morning, I had a pretty successful, albeit short, Speed Workout.  Six 800 meter repeats that went like this ...

2:52 ... 2:51 ... 2:46 ... 2:54 ... 2:46 ... 2:58 (about 5:42/mile avg) with two mile warm up and cool down

The hip feels a little tight right now, but no soreness at all, which is really encouraging.  I saw my A.R.T. guy yesterday and he assured me that it was just inflammation and should be fine.  So hopefully I can continue training hard for a fast half-marathon in a few weeks.

Anyway, hope you got to sleep in a little longer than I did today - have a great week!
... Be Great Today! 


  1. Forget that. I will never be a fast runner, because nothing will get me out of bed at 3 am.
    Oh, and could you please come supervise the job site that is my street? Because we're stalled again.

    1. I wish I had better news for you on this, but asphalt crews are THE WORST group I work with

  2. I was up at 4:15 this morning and that sucked. 3:00am must really, really suck.

  3. Dude, 3am totally sucks! I give you so much credit for getting things done pre-dawn.


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