
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Really Cool "Major Award"

I kind of felt like Ralphie Parker's dad in the movie "A Christmas Story" tonight when I got home.  There was a box waiting for me (although with no Italian "Fragiiiiileeeee" markings) from the company Headsweats.  I hadn't ordered anything from them so I was pretty curious about the contents.  When I opened it up, I found a black Headsweats visor, and a note that read ...

"Congratulations!  You're a big deal! You qualified for Boston at The Phoenix Marathon!  Show off your accomplishment with this special custom Headsweats visor"

What a cool surprise!  The visor had the Phoenix Marathon logo on the front, and then 2015 Boston Marathon Qualifier stitched on the side.  I'm assuming all of the Boston Qualifiers got one, and not just me, ha.  It was just one more reason why the Phoenix Marathon is one of my favorites, and one that we'll run again next year!

Speaking of running, I got a good Tempo Run in this morning with very little hip pain at the time, although it got a little sore as the day progressed.  The hip is still mostly just stiff when I run, and it's definitely getting better, but I still feel it.  I would say I'm probably about 75% healthy right now, and in spite of that, I'm still hitting most of my splits.  Here are this morning's times ...

Two mile warm up     6:49      6:23      6:17      6:35      6:26      6:25    two mile cool down  

The middle six miles were a 6:29 average with downtown Omaha hills mixed in.  I also got a good leg strengthening workout in after the run.  I felt pretty good about the paces since I'm not a full speed right now.  I'm really looking forward to getting this dumb thing completely behind me and really see what I can do.  But for now I'll take it. (To all my doctor followers, yes ... I understand that workouts like this are slowing the recovery period) (And yes, some doctors actually read this blog ... I know, I'm surprised too!)
... Be Great Today!


  1. That is so neat! What a great touch. I'd register for a little detail like that, even though I don't wear visors and hello, I could buy one for the tenth of the price of registration. But for some reason swag will sway me on races!
    BTW, could you send some of your doctor readers over to my blog? Preferably hip specialists. I feel like I need one on standby at all times.

  2. How cool! And even when your only at 75% your still pretty damn fast! Do continue to listen to your body, take measures necessary to heal and hopefully your hip will be right as rain come race day!
    : )

  3. That hat is AWESOME!!! And I love that they went with Headsweats - that's really good quality. What an exciting mail day!

  4. That's really a nice touch. Congrats!

  5. That is cool. Love surprises.

  6. That's a really nice surprise. An acknowledgement of a huge achievement. Wear it with pride.


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