
Thursday, April 9, 2015

I Admit It ... I'm A Little Weird

Most people I encounter in my everyday life most likely notice that I'm fairly well spoken, mild-mannered, obviously wildly hilarious, average (maybe a little below) in the looks department but yet still slightly arrogant, mostly heartfelt and kind, and occasionally moody.  Ya know, just an average guy trying to live his life without incident.  But those closest to me (namely my family because I pretty much don't let others get close to me) often observe that I'm kind of a weirdo.  Not like diabolically weird sitting around with nefarious schemes.  Or not like weird in the sense that parents pull their children a little closer as I walk by.  Heavens no.  Mainly weird in that I just have random preferences, thoughts, and fears.  Here's one of the fears ...

Ya know those giant white windmills that you see all over the Midwest and in some of the windy Western States that generate electricity ... those freaking things scare me to death!  I'm not joking.  I have no idea why, but every time I get within a mile of one I get the heebie-jeebies.  

I never really thought about it until a few years ago when I started seeing the blades for the creepy things being transported on the highway on flatbed trucks.  They're so big up close.  And they drive so slow that you have no choice but to pass them.  And as I pass them, the hair on the back of my neck stands up.  They remind me of a giant 50 foot long whale being driven down the highway in captivity to a Sea World tank or something.  I'm afraid if I get too close or even look at it, it's going to swish it's gigantic windmill whale tail and send me spinning off of the road.  Or even worse ... eat me.  I often put my hand up on the side of my face so as to block out the view as I pass.  I'm 100% serious.  I just know that if I look over, I'm going to see it breathing or a giant windmill whale eye staring back at me.    

Yesterday, while driving through Western Kansas I saw about a thousand windmill farms.  YES, THERE ARE FARMS OF THESE FREAKING THINGS. When they're not being transported on trucks, they're standing upright in these barren fields.  It's like 100 or more of them just lined up to mock me and intimidate me as I pass.   They look like giant aliens that have landed to take over without outstretched spinning arms.  I'm certain they're going to come to life at any minute and start crushing cars with their giant alien feet, and shooting humans with lasers as they flee and scatter like ants. I admit it, they straight up make me way more nervous than they should.

Although I'm sure there's not a name for this phobia,  I'd be willing to bet there's other folks who feel the same way I do. But there's NO WAY I want to meet these people.  Literally, I could barely write this post with that creepy picture of the windmills staring me in the face.  If you have any advice on how to get over this, I would greatly appreciate it.  My run was really pretty bad this morning, but I have no doubt that I burned up a lot of energy yesterday being traumatized so I'll give myself a pass on this one.  Have a great week and be normal.  I probably won't.
... Be Great Today!


  1. I have a friend who has this exact same fear!! Crazy what our brains do to us something...

    1. No doubt Bobbi, there's a lot of crazy things swirling around up there at times

  2. Allow Your Freak Flag To Fly You Damn Weirdo…. I mean that in the best way Mr Jim…. Something that has helped me overcome a few of my fears is this…. F.E.A.R = False Evidence Appearing Real…. This has helped me observe a number of situations and understanding the fact that I don't have to own it…. Simply smile and move past "fear"…. Excellent post and here is a warning for ya…. There Might Be A Huge Wind Farm Along State Route 50… That road is also known as The Loneliest Road In America…. Enjoy the rest of your work week and embrace the weekend with all you got…. Cheers

    1. P.S. I have Holland on my Fantasy Baseball Team & he is such a stud.

    2. Hollie got another one for you today! I think the Royals might surprise people again this year, we have a solid team

  3. Ha - I thought I was the only one who hated those things. I was flying home from Jamaica last Sunday, and somewhere between here and there (maybe it was over Kentucky?? Who knows)…but I could look down and saw a whole farm of them…it's even creepy from the air, trust me.

    Are you doing Rock the Parkway?? I'm signed up for the 39.3 Heartland Series, so Saturday will be the kick-off of spring racing season…I'm then doing the Brew-to-Brew on Sunday, but fortunately, I'm with a team, and my leg is only 5 miles. Should be a good shake-out run after Saturday!

    1. Michael is doing it Sherri, but I'm not - good luck, it should be fun as usual!

  4. If you ask me, it's our little foibles that make us interesting. If you were perfect you'd be boring. Knowing you have this freakish, irrational fear makes you so much more relate able.

    1. Well there's a few more where that one came from Char, ha!

  5. I grew up not far from a bunch of these in the SF Bay Area. Although I'm not particularly afraid of them, they somehow make me think of an alien invasion which is definitely a little unsettling. But apparently, you are not the only weirdo out there. =) Check this out:

    1. THAT LINK WAS AWESOME!!! I had no idea that they freaked other people out too. I've often asked myself while driving if my fear was legit, or if I was just overdoing it ... and they seriously give me the willies! Thanks for the link!

  6. I sure would like to take you to the top of one. It gives you a perspective that not many get to see. The blades have gotten bigger and bigger. I do get a weird feeling in my body when I look over the edge and think what would happen if I fell or jumped.

    1. There's a rest stop on I-80 that has one of the blades as artwork at the entrance - I never stop at that rest stop, ha

  7. Mix your love of running with fear of wind farms and see which one wins, Could be a reason for a new PR.

  8. I feel the same way! Definitely the part about passing the blades on the highway. A landscaping company by my house wanted to put one of those things less than half a mile from my house. Granted it's a mini version, but still. So glad that didn't get passed.

    1. I'm just relieved to see that I'm not the only that feels like this - really interesting

  9. I can recommend something to help you with that.

    I have an opposite problem: I am NOT afraid of things I SHOULD be scared of. For example, spiders, snakes, and armed thugs do not bother me.

    1. Yeah, I remember one of your posts when you got out of your car to confront some armed thugs who hit your car or something like that ... that's pretty gutsy ... or crazy

  10. Added: Do you think you subconsciously fear one falling on you? They do appear a little unstable. Especially in the, you know, wind.

  11. totally random fear,but not entirely weird! (im petrified of crickets and vomit.....)
    and i agree with Char....this irrational fear of yours just makes you not perfect and so not boring!!! your still as cool as the other side of the pillow in my book

  12. I too am scared of the giant windmills. When we drove through Palm Springs to get to Joshua Tree I thought I was in a nightmare. There's also a large farm in Illinois driving to Chicago that is really close to the road. Yikes! I also do not like running under high tension lines. What if those suckers come down!

  13. No doubt, they always kind of worry me when they sway in the wind


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